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Posts posted by Marting

  1. I just find the scarf, it seems to be tricked onto my previously caught natu. I have mistaken it to be the teddiursa.


    Sorry for any inconvenience and this thread can be closed. Thank you!

  2. It's not a bug, it's supposed to be like that. If you trick your item onto a wild pokemon and flee, it will be lost forever. You have to trick it to obtain it back in the same battle, or it will be permanently gone. I hope someone from Staff can give you a better answer though.


    Bro I have tricked it back in the same battle, but it was still gone. So I need help.

  3. I have my kadabra holding my choice scarf and encountering a teddiursa on a headbutt tree with the time shown in the picture.



    I used trick on that teddiursa try to lock it with one move and tricked it back in the same battle, but i misclick the escape button. After that, the choice scarf on my kadabra was gone.



    Anyone please help, I really need my choice scarf back. Thank you.



    My ingame name : Marting (GMT +8)



    Sorry for any inconvenience.



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