Well mate, this is gonna be the weirdest thanks and good bye but whatever. When I first met you about a month back, I disliked you and a few other staff but thats the past. I can't really say I have a reason to why I disliked you, I just did. I hated seeing your name on PRO, Discord, even when people would say your name I cringed. But since talking to you on IRC and in game after I made a new account, I can say that I appreciate what you have done for both PRO servers and for what you did on IRC. You are a funny, nice and genuine man and the days I spent hating you were not worth it to be honest. It was a pleasure speaking to you Mr. Deathwing, let your legacy live on in PRO! Bye, by the way, say hi to Cece and Mystic for me would ya? Also sorry for spazzing out a few times on you in discord. Anyways, hope you get better. Peace
~KingTravis A.K.A Torabisu97