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Everything posted by AriGG

  1. close
  2. Bump! Update: Added few more gibles and changed some prices!
  3. Can close
  4. Removed sold and added a few more!
  5. C.o 550k Min bid 50k No insta Auction ends 48h after start
  6. Bump added a few pokemon and changed some prices!
  7. Start 300k Current offer: n/a Min bid 100k No insta Auction ends 48h after start
  8. Info -You must follow Trade Rules- -Fake offers will be reported- -Contact me on discord for a faster reply- Vampireawy on discord I accept Pokédollar & few more things Coin Capsule 400k IVs Reroll 500k Black Medallion 200k Rare Candy 5k Trained Pokemon Untrained Pokemon
  9. close
  10. Heycavalier won the auction, Thanks!
  11. Charmander c.o: 800k Min raise: 50k -------------------------------------------------- Beldum c.o: 600k Min raise 50k [Not a bundle] bids are separate for each pokemon No insta Auction ends 48h after starting offers
  12. Trade done, Thank u!
  13. @Bangbotak Won the auction, Try to contact me ingame or Discord to make the trade! My discord is vampireawy
  14. C.o: 2M S.o: 2m Insta: 8m Auction ends 48h after start
  15. Removed sold. Thanks for buying in my shop!
  16. New trained and untrained added, Changed Snivy prices! 09/18
  17. Bump + changed some stuff!
  18. [09/15] Update Changed some prices Added few pokemon Thank you for shopping in my store!
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