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Everything posted by AriGG

  1. No Fake offers. If you don't like the Prices, Please don't make Spam comments! Coin Capsule - 300k, No MS/Any other item from the Coin Shop! I can Accept Trades. Discord Charmy#8426 Sold
  2. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest:xApoman Friendliest: Setzuen Funniest: Sugarred9 ♥ Coolest: Rider Comeback Player of the Year: Clockspeed Most Talkative: Setzuen Most Trustworthy: Rider Most Helpful: Ayukura Most Missed: Teddymonster Most Influential: Prehax Most Intriguing: CelestiaRose :Spy: STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Neroli ♥ Best CC: Calahan ♥ Best MOD: Letrix ♥ Best CS: Artoriel ♥ Best Artist: YuiFelwood ♥ Best Mapper: Druz ♥ Most Professional Staff: Shamac Buddyyyyy Most Friendly Staff: Darkphase :TorchicHey: Most Dedicated Staff: Shaui ♥♥♥ Most Honorable Former Staff: Detsu or Kagawa ecksdee Merry Christmas to Everyone! CC>Mod
  3. Here is a list of things that you can do after you have beaten Sinnoh: Sinnoh Region Hidden Items & Abandon Poke Guide Sinnoh Spawn Guide How to Get Heatran How to get one of the Lake guardians
  4. This two :p
  5. Good luck to everyone <3, Thanks Akali <3
  6. Bump >:D
  7. Re: sell jolly epic mienfoo <r>2mil <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  8. Re: sell jolly epic mienfoo <t>1.9m <3</t>
  9. Re: sell jolly epic mienfoo <r>1.8m <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  10. Re: sell jolly epic mienfoo <r>1.7m <E>:Smile:</E></r>
  11. Re: sell jolly epic mienfoo <r>1.6m <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  12. <3
  13. :spy:
  14. AriGG


    2spooky4me :<
  15. I'm glad that my idea worked !, I do not have as much time as I did before to make a sinnoh guide but maybe someone is going to make it one day :Grin:, Have a nice day and good luck with sinnoh!
  16. Surprise me with Arielgg Witch NPC :spy:
  17. Re: Shiny Lombre & Staryu for sale. (Auction 24hs). <t>2m each :D</t>
  18. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>Red, Arielgg, Good luck!</t>
  19. Re: Complete Hoenn Walkthrough! <r><QUOTE author="PreHax" post_id="426176" time="1502509707" user_id="1120928"><s> </e></QUOTE> Thanks! <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  20. Re: Complete Hoenn Walkthrough! Valley of steel Teleportation quest Gaining access to excavation sites, Excavation video, Indepth excavation guide Cubchoo hat Tiny mushroom quest Rachel's friend quest Abandoned ship quest Petalburg maze map Rustboro master's quiz Latias/Latios locations Shoal cave - getting a shell bell Hoenn gym and E4 guide Legendary pokemon mega thread Boss guide
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