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About Smash

  • Birthday January 13

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  1. By all means make the game more P2W and make memberships tradable
  2. Smash

    Team Wailord

    With all these people adopting different usernames can't tell if random or if I'm getting rused
  3. I found 3 Light Balls on wild Pikachu before I found a single Shroomish, it's ridiculous.
  4. niceme.me
  5. Please remove it
  6. But with Dragon's Den being a thing why would you want to stop at 50
  7. Smash

    Team Wailord

    Daily reminder that rekt
  8. Is destroying an entire metagame because someone might overlevel a Pokémon really stretching it? By every you of course mean the only other relevant Pokémon MMO, correct? lmao no. Competitive Pokémon on the handhelds has always been 100s without question, the only reason it's done in 6th gen is because it's forced (And it's not like people even have to grind to 100, they just hack them in at that level). Nothing's stopping you from getting a second Pokémon and levelling it up to 50 Wrong. Mass pumping stuff into a market only devalues it because of how common they become, and over time there will be more and they will devalue even more. I've play multiple games where an economy has taken that direction, and what happens is a neutralizing effect where everything eventually becomes next to worthless and that market crashes. No body will want to trade their comps because they don't feel the effort they put into them are worth how little they can get for them, granted it might be a while before this would happen but still. Even with all of that said, nothing's stopping you from selling 50s without this. Having the ability to get your team created so quickly completely destroys the point of there even being an endgame, and was the initial downfall of the other Pokémon MMO before they implemented breeding. If getting your team made so quickly is such an issue why are you even playing an MMO over a simulator where you can have your perfect Pokémon instantly (Not to say you still couldn't make 50s without this)? Again nothing's stopping you from playing 50s without it. All this does is allow people to use 100s exclusive Pokémon like Tyranitar and Dragonite in 50s, making the existence of 100s irrelevant, which leads to the only competitive Pokémon being sold in the market 50s blah blah blah refer to my reply on market crashing It's an MMO, not singleplayer Pokémon with friends. Having stuff require effort to obtain is what makes the market go 'round (Not to say you still can't make 50s without this. Again).
  9. Jean jacket outfit. I couldn't decide on a shoe color for the life of me so I figured might as well go full 90s and make them white. I also put the clothes in a separate window in case anyone wants to take a closer look without the sprites
  10. Welcome
  11. hi
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