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  1. I don't know if you found out or not yet but you can use the Gravatar option. You have to make an account on a website for it but you just upload the avatars you want there and you should be able to use them
  2. This is great. I heard about the Tsukiji fish market! It does seem like somewhere I'd want to check out. Night life probably not since I'll be with my father the whole trip. But if I can learn enough Japanese one day I'd love to live and teach in Japan possibly. How have you managed to pick up the language? Were you warmly received as a foreigner? Were you asked to speak English a lot?
  3. I think that was racist not quite sure :v, jk. Maybe ask ur dad what should u visit there, he was there half of his life right? He was there until he finished highschool than left. Right now I know for sure were planning on visiting Yamagata and Tokyo. I plan to visit Akihibara while in Tokyo, the area known specifically to sell manga/anime. I'll probably research some places we could sight see. Were planning on getting the train passes and staying for a week.
  4. Welcome to pro. I'm too infrequent a player to be a rival but friends sure. Hope you have a good time.
  5. Anime: Shirobako I mean look at this opening and tell me that doesn't just pull you in It's an anime about a girl who works in a studio that makes anime and just chasing deadlines. I like slice of life stuff in general. Manga: I don't have a favorite because I just started reading but right now I'm reading アトム ザ ビギニング (Atom the beginning)
  6. So I'm visiting Japan for the first time this August with my father. My father is Japanese and I'm half Japanese and in my mid twenties. Recently as a way to become closer to my parents, as people do as they get older, I tried to pick up the language over the last 2 or so years. My dad didn't teach me and my brothers Japanese growing up because he didn't want my mom who's white to feel left out. Admittedly, my Japanese sucks. I can only say basic phrases but my vocab is slowly coming along. I don't see myself making any huge strides in the course of two months but we'll see what happens. Were visiting Yamagata, the countryside where his family owns a farm, Tokyo and a couple more prefectures. Anyone ever been there? Any recommendations of places I should visit?
  7. My dad brought me and my bros to buy vhs tapes (yes I'm that old) of dragonball z movies when we were kids. I remember seeing janemba movie in Japanese when I was like no older than 10.
  8. I like pokemon that say their names in funny ways when they battle, maybe because I'm a narcissist but I always found that incredibly endearing. So my favorite is Donphan, especially from the English dub pokemon. Plus he has that determined never say die attitude, sumo wrestler attitude that I love in tanky pokemon. He just sounds like a badass. I guess I really liked him too cause when I was little I had a buffalo stuffed animal and he reminded me of that. Plus he uses rollout.
  9. Hi, welcome to the forums.
  10. Just the general good vibe I get from the server. It's probably what made me leave other games I play and play this. Some game communities are really inpersonal and toxic. I won't name names but I'm glad I found this game. The first few hours playing I asked alot of noob questions like "can I catch the cubchoo walking around pallet town?" or "can someone explain ivs/evs/how to ev train to me" and alot of people helped me. I always looked at pokemon as just battling but the community really does make the experience better. I find it's way better and more chill at night also.
  11. 27. Nice to see I'm not the only older player here.
  12. Thanks for all the kind words guys. Hope to see you in game at some point. Add me if you want in game, my name is the same as it is here.
  13. Hi, just started playing today. The community and staff ingame were really helpful and I actually learned alot about iv's, ev's and training pokemon from 2 hours than I have over the years of casually playing from just talking to people in chat. Was playing on blue server but seems to be down for now. Anyway, nice to be here. Also, I'm having trouble getting an avatar for my profile, if someone could better explain how I can that'd be great. Whenever I try to click on avatar type in edit avatar it doesn't let me see the options. Not sure if this is because I'm new here or not.
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