Waddup prankster gangster, I just wanna sell some pokes in hopes to earn money for my ugly son Yazan, thanks in advance. :Smile:
Rules of the house
1. I reserve the right to deny offers that I'm not satisfied with.
2. No Chitchat, just bid.
3. A 2 days auction will start once the starting price is met.
4. Trolls will be block and REPORTED!
5. No harambe jokes in my shop.
SELLER: [glow=lightblue]Bathala[/glow]
WISHLISH: Poke$$ > Epic Bold Tentacruel / Tentacool (Liquid Ooze)
</SIZE></B> Blissey
S.P: 1.1M B.O: -- END: -- INSTA: --
</SIZE> Venusaur
S.P: 800k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
</SIZE> Flareon
S.P: 400k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
S.P: 600k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
S.P: 500k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
S.P: 1M B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
S.P: 800k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
S.P: 450k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
<B><SIZE size="150">SELLER: [glow=yellowgreen]Yazan[/glow]
WISHLIST: Poke$$ > Epic mons.
(/friend Yazan for the moveset and ev spread.)
<SIZE size="150">Medicham
S.P: 450k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
<SIZE size="150">Ampharos
S.P: 500k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
S.P: 700k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --
S.P: 400k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: --