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Everything posted by Bathala

  1. Re: Bathala's DAB SHOP! \O> <t>-RESERVED for no reason-</t>
  2. Waddup prankster gangster, I just wanna sell some pokes in hopes to earn money for my ugly son Yazan, thanks in advance. :Smile: Rules of the house 1. I reserve the right to deny offers that I'm not satisfied with. 2. No Chitchat, just bid. 3. A 2 days auction will start once the starting price is met. 4. Trolls will be block and REPORTED! 5. No harambe jokes in my shop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELLER: [glow=lightblue]Bathala[/glow] WISHLISH: Poke$$ > Epic Bold Tentacruel / Tentacool (Liquid Ooze) </SIZE></B> Blissey S.P: 1.1M B.O: -- END: -- INSTA: -- </SIZE> Venusaur S.P: 800k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- </SIZE> Flareon S.P: 400k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- Charizard S.P: 600k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- Breloom S.P: 500k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- Alakazam S.P: 1M B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- Altaria S.P: 800k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- Crobat S.P: 450k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <B><SIZE size="150">SELLER: [glow=yellowgreen]Yazan[/glow] WISHLIST: Poke$$ > Epic mons. (/friend Yazan for the moveset and ev spread.) <SIZE size="150">Medicham S.P: 450k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- <SIZE size="150">Ampharos S.P: 500k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- Ninetails S.P: 700k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- Banette S.P: 400k B:O -- END: -- INSTA: -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [glow=yellow]THANKS![/glow]
  3. Shiny [glow=green]Sawsbuck[/glow] B.O: 1M by Adarame END: 10AM @ GMT+8 INSTA: -- Shiny [glow=pink]Magcargo[/glow] B:O: -- END: -- INSTA: 600k Shiny [glow=Blue]Seadra[/glow] B:O: -- END: -- INSTA: 300k [glow=Blue]THANKS![/glow]
  4. Thanks for all the replies, forgive me though I totally forgot to update his thread, anyways I have already bought all pokes on my wishlist and I'm off looking for an epic tentacruel thanks.
  5. Re: WTB> Impish Hippowdon and a Calm Klefki <t>Anyone? BUMBUM!</t>
  6. Looking for this epic Mon. [glow=brown]Tentacruel[/glow] (bold) Ability: Liquid Ooze Atk: N/A Def: 25+ Spe: 20+ Sp.Atk: 20+ Sp.Def: 25+ HP: 25+ [glow=blue]1M BUDGET![/glow]
  7. I'll pull out my offer, I bought a happiny in-game it seems that your inactive so I got impatient.
  8. I'll start on blissey :)
  9. 250k for it ^^
  10. Oh jeezeus please nooo.
  11. Yes he is, and you can battle him. As I recall they've added a new hat in the game which is Ash ketchum's hat this recent update, And defeating him probably unlocks a shop? Where you can buy the hat???
  12. Does Gin Tama count as 10 anime?
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