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Everything posted by Badrtheghost

  1. oh , cause your mean and the title of the topic of like dicconected or kicked in pvp you had to add afk , well when your afk for few mins you get kicked. its automatically.
  2. hello , it might just be your connection lag , if you think you got kicked you won't be kicked for no reason , you can guess of thing bad you did if you got kicked if not its just connection internet :Smile:
  3. hello , welcome to PRO , enjoy your stay
  4. make sure you see Requirment to work the game , also make sure you take the PRO.exe right next to the PRO folder.
  5. yes , everytime you use roost the same thing will happend for 1 turn :Smile:
  6. just try to keep it doing everyday , or just buy it from other players :Grin: doing it everyday?? berry only spawn every 4days and berry shop change every 1 week buy from another player?? how many player know where aspear berry spawn?? talk only is easy.. try to do it before talking.. :Grin: just ask in trade chat , you for sure will find someone.. EDIT : i always mean everyday , by every respawn.
  7. hello , zubats need 31 speed at pvps to outspeed otherwise they are uselss you can try for 10-15k :Grin:
  8. just try to keep it doing everyday , or just buy it from other players :Grin:
  9. here is a bit more explication about roost , when you use roost , its like the flying pokemon come down to earth to that why you took hit from excadrill, when you use roost ground moves can touch you for 1 turn :Grin:
  10. didn't say they weren't easy to find? how many pvp games do you play a day? well since there leppa shop +1 to get other berrys shops , but the same , you can try headbutting ... so yeah :Smile:
  11. Don't have a problem with Leppa's this thread is for LUM. There is a vendor for leppas in mt pyre, mr.leppa. I would like one introduced for lum berries aswell. leppas or lum , they both easy to find in trees , it was a mistake btw .. just to say lum said leppa EDITED.
  12. hey ty for reply, im getting around 2 staryu and hour here ( at least for now ) is seafoam 4th floor better? :) if its the same i might hunt there for a change its been awhile but they seem good there , you can at least give a try :Grin:
  13. i used to hunt in seafoam 4th floor ^^ :Grin:
  14. weird , i hope staffs can do something about it ... i had reported some glitchs too like i get chat and my pokes party and pms dissperead but we will see staffs words .
  15. grinding is the base of MMOs , so the ones who dosen't grind alot is the weird people :P
  16. neutral always bad ivs is not bad for attacker you can go with 50k.. have fun
  17. hello , unfortunately , pilowsine dosen't learn ice shard , swinub the one who can learn it please for more informations about this click here again , i'm sorry .
  18. you can make easy lum berrys , just go headbutt all trees , trees cooldown isn't much just 1 day cooldown for regular trees and 6 hours cooldown for trainer valley .. i usually get much a day :Grin:
  19. Yes,speed would be a waste just go for HP and Sp def :Angel:
  20. Hello , it seems ravine's requirment changed as i saw in help chat..you can keep eye on this Topic , it gets updated as soon as possible :Grin:
  21. hello welcome to this game enjoy your stay :Grin: Click on Here then select the server your in , and then select if you are buying or selling , and then make your topic have fun :Grin:
  22. Welcome to PRO! hope you enjoy your stay :Sing:
  23. Hello thanks for the report , learn parasect Stun spore first for him to learn spore , have fun ! :Grin:
  24. ignore this post there was some mistakes.
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