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Everything posted by Bllovetao

  1. Re: Nice Timburr & Gothitele <r><QUOTE author="itsjustwinds"><s> </e></QUOTE> GOTHITELE SOLD</r>
  2. Re: Nice Timburr & Gothitele <r><QUOTE author="Dragon1250"><s> </e></QUOTE><QUOTE author="aymanex15"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok</r>
  3. Re: Nice Timburr & Gothitele <r><QUOTE author="Khanum"><s> </e></QUOTE> ok</r>
  4. Re: Nice Timburr & Gothitele <r><QUOTE author="Dragon1250"><s> </e></QUOTE> Ok</r>
  5. B.O now is 1m5 for Dragon1250 INSTA 2m5 1 hours the auction will end
  6. Every time I run the program , then it is up to the board setting the associated crash bug a file i have redownload the client 2 time but it still happen
  7. Every time I run the program , then it is up to the board setting the associated crash bug a file
  8. U won the auction when I can met U ingame ? my name ingame is: bllovetao
  9. Start b.o is 120k , after 24h since the first b.o the auction end
  10. START B.O IS 200K After 24h since the first b.o the auction end,ty
  11. sr it have sold for 1hour sr for late to post
  12. insta for krookledile is 300k
  13. gg!!!
  14. START B.O 150K .After 24h since the first b.o will end the auction
  15. i pay 350k for fox
  16. START B.O 200K IN STA 400k
  17. b.o 300k insta 500k feel free to b.o quiet tyranitar if it not high enough i will not sell 2 days from now will end the auctionTRADED
  18. if i got deal with it, pls keep magikarp for me, 10h30 pm(time forum) i will onl and get it, 80k for magikarp
  19. 80k for magikarp now
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