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Everything posted by Nickjdv

  1. PRO Username: nickjdv Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: No On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? it's been 2 weeks that i don't log in because i was too much busy. today it's all day long i'm trying but nothing work. What have you already tried to solve the problem? i have windows 10 and i try to execute as admin, i try to execute as older win versione but nothing work. please help Description and Message
  2. i checked wifi update...i will check the troubleshoot
  3. PRO Username: Nickjdv Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? my problem is that when i play PRO after a while my connectino disable by itself...and i lost connection...sometimes it takes 30 mins other every 5 mins....i have win10, good laptop and quiet good internet service...nothing of it can be...or maybe win10? but i don't find anywhere something talking about this issue. can you please verify? What have you already tried to solve the problem? i changed also the modem...i bought a new one. i fix the network settings but nothing has change Description and Message
  4. don'tneed logo ingame anymore....but still request for signature
  5. hi, i'm italian and i have galaxy note 4. I understand that i HAVE TO install CM 12.1 dunno how to do it, but i will find out....problem is: what build should i take? Intl trltexx or sprint trltespr? and i totally don't know how it works this thing....can be dangerous to install it?
  6. si ma ti servono 100 ore di gioco anche
  7. and there is another way to make ingame logo instead of painting pixel logo? i've seen lot's of good logo...can't be painted Only pixels.
  8. and there is another way to make ingame logo instead of painting pixel logo? i've seen lot's of good logo...can't be painted All logos are manually painted. To have a transparent pixel just click on the grey pixel on the bottom left of the color table.
  9. Yes. and there is another way to make ingame logo instead of painting pixel logo? i've seen lot's of good logo...can't be painted
  10. no need avatar anymore but still the request for signature
  11. waiting your answer bro!
  12. thank you...but an example is: i saw a man in saffron to draw bad pixel guild logo and i see around pretty nice logo good defined and with an empty background...there should be a different way to do it...am i right?
  13. other problem is...only leader can recruit?
  14. Hi, i found a man in saffron city to draw pixel logos...buti see around some pretty nice and defiined guild logo...how to do it? how i do something like this:
  15. hi, how i do an ingame logo...i see pretty defined logo...it can't be only pixel drawing in saffron...how to do it? something like this how i made:
  16. sorry i don't understand spanish
  17. i see some good logos around without any background...how i do that? there will be another way to make the logo...not only pixel painting
  18. that's all? nothing more?
  19. that's all? nothing more?
  20. Can someone explain how to manaege a guild? like all commands....how to make a good guild img....how to manage in general please
  21. iwould like to ask also a ninja guild logo to use ingame
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