Smartest: Walrosskastanie
Friendliest: Cames
Funniest: Nicotine
Coolest: Samu94
Comeback Player of the Year: Iriztha
Most Talkative: Gambilicious
Most Trustworthy: Xapoman
Most Helpful (excluding staff members): Munchin
Most Missed (who parted from PRO this year but hasn't returned): Jaeco
Most Influential (good or bad, who made the biggest impact on the community this year): Prehax
Most Intriguing (a player that manages to capture your attention for some weird/unique reason): Sabrilemarocain
Best GM: Neroli
Best CC: Shaui
Best MOD: Letrix
Best CS: Artoriel
Best Artist: Shieon
Best Mapper: Tiggus
Most Professional Staff: Shaui
Most Friendly: Shary
Most Dedicated Staff: Shamac
Most Honorable Former Staff: Chappy
But you dont know how to coded a move or a abilty, why show this ? :')
Im showing this because Chesnaught is an effective counter against Crawdaunt (ignore the move)
Take a look at Cocktail Bar!
Our guild consists of fun group of people who are willing to help each other out.
We also have PVP discussions, which I think could also suite your interest.