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  1. hey you guys still recruiting? would love to join if there is still some spot my discord ID is WelcomeTo2K35-EN-#3633 been playing over a month now!
  2. i only have a simple quick question, i already asked this in the PRO Discord but it seems everyone is also unsure about this so here is the question: If i use dig on the spot it will resets every 3 days right? if so then is that "3 days" cooldown server time? or player time? like for example, the server reset is like 1:00 AM then every 3 days 1:00 AM the dig spot will reset? or if it's player time then, lets say like i dug the spot around 3:27 PM so after 3 days when it hits 3:27 PM or 3:28 PM it will then resets? thanks you for taking time reading / answering in here!
  3. i have a suggestion and its a daily login rewards for new players, like for example; day 1= 5 potion day 2 =3 pokeball day 3 = 4 antidote day 4 = 3 ether day 5 = 3 of all kinds of berries (pecha berry, leppa berry, tamato berry, etc.) day 6 = 3 revive day 7 = 5 antidote day 8 = 15 thousand player money day 9 = 5 super potion day 10 = 10 great ball day 11 = 6 repel day 12 = 10 potion day 13 = 8 pokeball day 14 = 5 revive day 15 = 1 random evolution item( ex. moon stone) or 1 random item that you can put on a pokemon to boost stats (ex. hard stone) day 16 = 10 antidote day 17 = 10 different types of heals (paralyze heal, ice heal, etc.) day 18 = 7 ether day 19 = 8 super potion day 20 = 1 random TM day 21 = 10 pokeball day 22 = 10 super repel day 23 = 10 different types of berries day 24 = 25 thousand player money day 25 = 10 ultra ball day 26 = 12 super potion day 27 = 10 repel day 28 = 2 random TM day 29 = 5 max potion day 30 = 1 master ball or 1 random pokemon this is just an example, but i hope someday this'll be implemented soon since this is a great help for newcomers!
  4. is this box for status ailments?
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