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Hello, I have ran into an issue with a gate in new Mauville. I have defeated all the team Aqua/Magma members, but the gate to the northen part will not open. I have also found a map chunk, that pusshes you away (do not know, if it is related somehow with the gate, like hidden switch). I have also searched (hopefully) every crate or object for switches. I have also looked at some walkthrough, where the gate was opened after defeating lastest team aqua member. On that walkthrough, it awas also Pulse and Minun poke-npc wandering around the powerplant, here they are also missing. And the last gate near entrance will not also disapper after team magma/aqua members are defeated... So .. is it a bug, or something has changed and I am missing something? Thank you :) EDIT: Thanks for help, mystery man, the location has been re-set for me, pulse and minun spawned, hidden switch spawned. Thank you :)
HP numbers would be great to add as in gameboy games are present
Ok, this comes to my mind every time I battle any npc more than tirst time. To be honest - when I finish kanto and johto with pokemons about L90, I definitely dont want to battle through world and L16 caterpies and another trash. And again... And again... And again everytime I go through world to get somewhere and every stupid npc is stopping you... And again... And again... So the idea is simple - do a VS. Seeker item with the similar function as in FireRed/LeafeGreen. No NPC will battle you automatically, when beaten for the first time .. but you can activate this item for random activation of npc to battle Alternatively (because this would probably mean some hard development), there can be NPC called for battle by talking to them after their cooldown, but withoutthey stopping you for battle Thanks :)
I have posted this in vote topic of 3rd server and I think it was some kind lost in that amount of replys. So .. even this would result in recreating client, I think - if handled well, PRO could be handling thousands of players only with one server. (This wos reply on why there is no possibility of increasing server population...) well ... the question is .... why are SSDs at 100%? well .. Talking about this - I dont know the specifics of one server but ... If anyone knows the WoW server NOSTALRIUS, which was closed few months ago, their PVP realm hosted on one physical machine over 6000 players in peak ... and I think, that WoW is much more computing-power-consuming solution. I know that this is maybe question for further development ... but how about to move some game actions from server to client? Like creating wild battles, handling NPC battles, handling some original content related to progress, which will definitely not change ... If correctly protected from hacking it via RAM editing or fake messages sended to server, clients would be able just to send reports of some actions and server will not need handling every common thing and there will be some space for handling more clients See - I mean ... hundereds players doing wild battles. For each battle, server has to generate what pokemon it is, what are its stats, what are its moves, then it has to calculate every damage done.... All that can handle the client. Everything client needs are battle data ... lets say some huge table of all possible variations. All that propertly hashed and protected against editing. Even the thing like encounter in grass can handle the client... So the only thing in case of battles would be send to server is the result - what pokemon it was, what result of battle it was, how many exp gained to what pokemon ... server would have mirrored game tables, where it checks, if corrected amount of exp was gained (just another wall of protection against client attacks and fake data) and then it updates player data. Only one connect action against continuous data flow of current setting. (of course there will be more, like keep alive data, that the client is not idling but fighting) And there is more actions that can be handled this way...
True enough ... who wtarts new journey .. Better would be some kind of "channels"
Ok. If I remember right, the game tells you on [glow=green]KANTO[/glow], that if you will pass the border, you will not be able to get back until the last badge. Fine for me. But [glow=red]AFTER[/glow] passing the border into [glow=brown]JOHTO[/glow], it says, you cannot use your pokemon. Well and there was a moment, I wanted to throw my laptop through window. Guys, seriously, It tooks hours and hours of grinding levels, what more, even days to get party pokemons fuly EVed, or even money to equip your pokemons with moves and items propertly, and then the game shows you the middle finger like that? You have to choose, if you want to pass, but you cannot refuse on giving away your pokemons going back to Kanto? Why the hell is CHAMPION stucked with L5 again? [glow=red]So this guide is like a small satisfaction, how to show the powers of CHAMPION to the JOHTO leaders !![/glow] Requirements and stuff Time consumption: HIGH (but compared to much slower progress by the regular way - definitely LOW) Difficulty: Medium Items needed: </SIZE> * TM Rock smash * HM Flash * Deccent amount of pokeballs (optionally, if you don't want to train Totodile (which is the only using ATTACK from all 3 starters - Meganium focused ond both defenses and Thyplosion is SP.ATTACK) or you don't care about IVs) * Good Rod * Pokemon you wnat to train with Attack EVs (+ some little speed) * Decent amount of healing stuff (Potions works best with saved amount of probably unused oran berries) <SIZE size="130"> So, lets start. 1) COOSING THE POKEMON The core thing of this is - of course - pokemon you want to train. I started with Zubat. Firstly, I think, that there is no better pokemon for that, which you can catch before 1st gym. Secondly, I just love Crobat. The most important thing is, that it has to be an ATTACK based pokemon, as there is almost no chance to train SP.ATTACK in first few routes (good luck with training on Gastlys in Sprout tower with encounter rate like 1 out of 10) Also some speed is needed, you have to outspeed wilds few levels above you. So the first step is simple. Catch what you want to train. 2) PREPARING THE POKEMON Ok, lets start training. there are 2 parts: a) Train EVs fully. As I train Zubat, I focus on Attack and Speed. All that can be train at route 29 (between New Bark and Cherrygrove). Better train at DAY, where you will not be forced to leave every 2nd batttle because of swarm of Hoothoots gaining unwanted HP EV. List of ATTACK EV pokes: * Sentret (MORN/DAY) * Spinarak (MORN/DAY/NIGHT) List of SPEED EV pokes * Pidgey (DAY) *Rattata (MORN/DAY/NIGHT) For Zubat trainers, Be patient - Zubats move pool is terrible up to lvl 12. Use Leech life on Rattatas and Sentrets, use Astonish on Spinaraks. Up to level 12, let Pidgeys be, Leech life is not effective move and Astonish completely unefffective. From L12, you can BITE everything. Also, there are much more encounters with SPEED EV, where if you have full 252 speed, you have only around 170 Attack. At this state, you should have high enough level to move to ROUTE 32 (under Violet city, first grass accessible even without defeating Falkner), where you can level up faster and gain missing ATTACK EV on Bellsprouts. b) Level up enough. Up to level about 14-15, you will get just by grinding EVs. Then, move to ROUTE 32, finish your ATTACK EVs, if needed, and level up. Your goal is Level 23 on Zubat (now Last evolution - Crobat), if you are training something that has no 3rd evolution availavble, you might be willing to go 1 level higher. TIP: Unless you have a 100% reliable SPECIAL move which can bring about L8 pokes down with one hit, do not fight with Mareeps - they can paralyze on contact. 3) PREPARING ON THE WAY You will need 1 or 2 Bellsprouts. a) Teach HM Flash to Bellsprout you want to keep. b-a) Trade second Bellsprout to the team rocket member for Onix. b-b) Alternatively, you can simply catch Geodude from Dark Cave. c) Learn TM Rock Smash to your Onix/Geodude 4) NAVIGATE TO TRAINING SPOT You need to go from ROUTE 31 (East of Violet city) through Dark Cave to ROUTE 45 I have prepared a short video, where to get and how to navigate through the cave. HERE: Tip: You definitely want some REPELS for passing the cave :) When walking back to pokecenter, go back WEST, where Dark cave entrance is, and then SOUTH through the border-house - you will be back on route 26 between New Bark and Cherrygrove 5) TRAIN There is what we are here for. We want fish for some L30 Krabbys. Single Krabby will give you around 10-12k EXP, when you grow up a lttle bit, it scales down to about 7k. As you can see at theese images and videos, I have my Crobat on LVL 54 using just this technique. TIPS: A) Start at night - at night, there will be mainly not L30-33 Krabbys, but around L23 Poliwags or L35 Surskits (which are pretty weak). For starting, it is better, build about L28 and then you can hunt some crabs at daytime. B) Ignore Magikarps. Only about 500 exp. Not worthed as you need to focus to maximize EXP on your limited move PPs C) If you have some spare RARE CANDYS, use them RIGHT BEFORE engaging Krabbys. On LVL 23 it takes much time to get +1 on L7 Bellsprouts, but It is very hard to get down some Krabbys. If you can go like 23 on Bellsprouts and then use 2-3 Rare candys, that is definitely a very good move :) D) For Zubat/Crobat trainers, your core move is Acrobatics with 110 power and type move bettter attack ratio. Your second ove should be probably Poison fang with 50 power, but type attack advantage. For other trainers, find the most powerful your type move with proper EV type (it has no sense to attack with megaoverpovered special attack move, when you have trained your pokemon on attack) E) Bring some revives, if you have ... especially when starting, Krabbys are though guys. If your main faints, send a decoy pokemon, revive your main and finish him. F) If you can, you can somehow prepare on their moveset. Krabbys uses STOMP as their primary move, PROTECT and from time to time 1-hit-ko move GUILLOTINE. G) If you have never fished anything yet, you can drag your ROD form backpag to one of the 1/2/3/4 fields on left-bottom corner. Then you can just hit proper number on your keyboard (not numeric, thouse numbers above letters) to fish. Also near your first poke in party is little BUFF icon which works as a cooldown of reuse the rod. Tap your button everyitime this buff disappears. Same as the Rod, you can drag some potion into those fields to speed up outside-battle healing. [glow=aquamarine]So, thats it .... wish you good luck showing them the true power of champion :)[/glow]
It is just buggy ... it happens to me too... The login process is in background, client is just not showing the queue table during that ... just wait and you will be loged in. But ... keep in mind, that queues are terrible theese days ... there are over 1000 people in queue in peaks, so if I am saying "wait", I mean "wait about 45 minutes to get in and then find the moment you were loged in and take sme action in next 5 minutes, or you will be loged out again and you can watch login screen for another 45 minutes"
Ok. I had one topic with question about migration, where I was talking about queue with around 600 people. Now ... lets see this: That is a queue of one half of capacity of RED server. And as far, as I know, there is no restriction of creating character by newcomers, so the situation is getting, and WILL be getting, worse and worse. All is getting worse with setting of 5min away logoff, where somebody calls you, or you have to tunrt your attention to another activity, and if you forget to move your character, you will be loged off and you have to wait another half an hour to get in .. and this guys, really sucks. So, my suggestion iss simple. [glow=green]GREEN[/glow] server with possible ONE CHANCE, ONE WAY, VOLUNTARY migration, where migration will be possible only if players haven't already started their journey on GREEN and if player data will be moved to GREEN server, their progress resets on RED, so there will be not a duplicated journey. That's all, thanks for reading :)
PRO Username: Valanir Have you looked at the FAQ to solve your issue?: Yes On which server issue happened: RED What have you done before the problem was there? Created an acount and played :) What have you already tried to solve the problem? --- Description and Message Hi, This is as much asking for help as sugestion for further times. I started playing in time, when BLUE server was freshly launched. I said to myself like "nice, but I will go to red with more population to have fun with people, not just myself". What led me to this thinking? Because I tried other "Unnamed" Pokemon MMO world and the population was riddiculous. I really did not know, how popular is PRO. Then, I started on both servers to see possible differences, and made on both servers like L10 starter, not leaving Viridian city and Viridian forest. And then, I left because of lack of time. Some time ago, I got back and I continued, where I had a better progress - on RED server. In the beginning, I didn't notice this, because I played like whole day, but the further I got, the more I have realized one terrible thing. Red server is definitely overpopulated. At first, waiting few seconds to get inside game at position 40 in the queue... OK Then ... waiting 10 minutes to get inside game at position 250+ in the queue... this starts being bad, but still acceptable.... But this topic I am writing on todays queue - 20 minutes Estimated time on queue over 600 !!!! (and as far as I know, it was not after server failure/restart) And for that ... I got no words... So - even this is said in FAQ... </I> <I> ... I need to ask 2 questions: 1) Can I ask for a transfer to BLUE, if I do the sad eyes, will smile and will be repeating "plsplsplsplsplspls" until you will rather transfer me to get rid of me? :D No, just kidding. But want the transfer because this waiting is starting to be a little bit crazy. And I really do not care of my progress on BLUE. 2) Can you think about (even maybe paid) function of SWAPPING progress? A) Like - I have 2 progresses. But on one server I have my main progress. So I swap my main progress to less overall loaded server to have smoother game and the logins, leaving the second, less important, progress on more loaded server, where I will mot care about some queue, because I do not play this progress as much as it starts frustrating me. This function can be launched from web interface with cooldown, lets say 1 week to avoid continuous swapping related to day time load, not the overall load, which we want to handle. Also this function can calculate server load from history, alowing transfers only to less in-time loaded server. or B) - as alternative, can you allow from time to time theese "swaps" to balance the load of both servers? Swaps, or with warning, overwriting to progress (like I am on RED, want to BLUE, so my progress transfers to BLUE and on RED, my progress is reset) Now - I know, that Even BLUE server is quite loaded and almost at full capacity, but this stil can ballance things. One last question to answer - what is actually my progress and Why I am asking for this: My progress is "QUTE LOW" - I am before 8th gym in Kanto ... If this would be just about progress .. well, I know where I am, I can start on BLUE with fresh start, just little bit angry about time spent on RED. But I have also some money in game and that is what I don't want to lose and that is why I do not want to start on blue and that is why I want my progress transfered. (And also, please, don't get me wrong, I am [glow=red]NOT[/glow] writing it like "Hey fellas, I am donating kiddo and I WANT MY TRANSFER CAUSE I GAVE YOU MONEY AND YOU HAVE TO DO IT FOR ME AND IF YOU WILL NOT HELP ME, I WILL SEND A VOODOO CURSE ON YOU". No, that is not the way. I am just asking politely, if there is a possible way for me and MAYBE a possible way to some other people, who loves this game and this server, and whom is the table with queue getting on their nerves as much as on mine :P) Thanks for reading :)