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Everything posted by Punzel

  1. Go all the way up(north) across the golden bridge then right(east) to Bill's house where you'll receive the SS Anne ticket, once you have that you can board the SS Anne. To get there: Go to the right of the Gym, where the guards are and then proceed all the way down(south) to get to the next town, then onto the docks, and finish SS Anne's story line to receive Cut from the Captain.
  2. It appears that the server timed out as you were in a battle, disconnecting you as well as every one else in the server from it. This is why you couldn't continue your battle, because the server went offline mid-battle.
  3. Nope, the game doesn't support any other language other than English. Sorry!
  4. This could be the result of an IP ban. Please post a thread in the following section to get your issue investigated and resolved: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32
  5. Have you tried to fight Ho-oh at the top of the Bell Tower Roof specifically?
  6. You can't, just wait for a Game Master, or Community Coordinator to lock this thread, and proceed to make the thread in the correct section. :Grin:
  7. https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=32 Please make a thread here, this isn't the place to post a ban resolution thread, even if it says you aren't banned on the website!
  8. I actually recently started over from episode 1 and casually watching it while eating/working on things!
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