well a simple live chat so players can get info about server status or talk to pass time , for example now server is either full and i m in invicible que or log in is down and i have no idea whats going on for like 20 mins while status page says its up :D
IGN: MLGCupCakes1
How old are you?: 24
Where are you from?: Greece
How much play time do you have on BLUE server?: 317H
What is your favorite Pokemon and why?: hm not someone perticular but i like cool stylish pokes
Why do you want to join?: guess having people to chat / trade evolution / exchange info etc .
btw i noticed you cant see if servers are Online/Offline anymore , do you transfer it or just removed it , if you transfer it can you please link me the place so i can check status so i can avoid wasting time on spamming login , thanks in advance!