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Everything posted by Exterzy

  1. Re: ❄ Christmas Event 2017 Walkthrough! ❆ <t>Thank you xD</t>
  2. Name: Liam.// - Exterzy. Playtime hours: 266 hours. Total badges:// 20. kanto, johto Country:England Why do you want to join us: Look well known professional.. well experienced + I want to join the day care xD What is your favorite Pokemon: Shinx.latios latias. Your own ambition in PRO: Making money. helping people ev train and level up poke. Why do you still play PRO: Same as before^^ but to train Pokémon mainly.
  3. 1. What's your Player name?// Exterzy. 2. Number of hours played?//266hours. 3. What's your favorite Pokemon?//shinx. 4. How old are you?//22 5. When's your Birthday? 24.6.95 ps/ do you have a day caring part on the guild? as I love day caring making the $$ if so i'd be a perfect member for that part thankQ also English xd
  4. like this, same nature & ability if you have one or have a similar one if not better lol, pm in game will pay. :thanks:
  5. Exterzy [fade]day care [/fade][fade]service[/fade]. [fade]Ex- Mayelesa Day Carer[/fade] ★Price List EV Training Levelling up Apply here level up service: Ev Training apply here: feedback: <i> </i>
  6. want a guild to join for day caring? I've been away for a while, but i'm back! all I did was day care.. so if there's anyone out there willing to recruit me pm me!! p.s I'm a bit rusty. sorry if wrong section. :thanks:
  7. Hey guys. was apart of akatsuki which I think has closed now? haven't played for a year or 2 but I'm a well experienced completed Kanto and johto, I understand there's new maps or something? could do with a guild that is well experienced and has been playing for a while as I need bringing back into the game (refreshing) memory kind of speak.. used to do day cares all the time for last guild so any day care guild or well experienced will do perfectly feel free to pm me guys thanks Exterzy. :Cool:
  8. Wtb epic shinx, nice iv's pm me with image. must be jolly. :thanks:
  9. Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server] <r>welcome to the new members <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  10. Re: Epic squirtle <t>350...</t>
  11. Re: Epic squirtle <t>250k here xD</t>
  12. Re: Epic squirtle <t>100k here.</t>
  13. says it all^ pm me with your scizor will give you a price. :Grin:
  14. Work:
  15. Re: Akatsuki ☁ [Recruiting from Red Server] <r>1. What is your IGN? Exterzy<br/> 2. Why should we accept you? Active most the day and night:)<br/> 3. Do you vow to to place your loyalty upon this guild, even when things go wrong?100% <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  16. Re: Memoire [international guild] Red and Blue server! <t>How many hours of gameplay do you have?<br/> Almost exactly 70.<br/> <br/> 2. Why should we accept you into the guild?<br/> Play everyday 15 - 20+ hours <br/> <br/> 3. Are you able to visit Discord?<br/> Yes.</t>
  17. 20 Year old. Love Pokemon playing since age 11 IGN:Exterzy :Shy:
  18. :Grin: Looking to join a guild if possible guys. Played 60+ Hours on to e4 could do with help as am struggling Game name - Exterzy ThankQ :Shy:
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