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  1. So I came across this little gem and it got me feeling all nostalgic, so I registered. I started in Red Server and just wanted to say hi to anyone who decided to click open this thread. If anyone has any tips and/or unspoken rules I should be aware about, please do share. Also, I took a quick glimpse through the forums and couldn't find anywhere to post suggestions or requests for the game. I've got a few ideas I'd like to see, but wouldn't know where to post it. So I'm going to post it in my introduction. :Light: - The EXP gain is awfully slow for non-members. I purchased an MS Medallion to hopefully pick up the pace, but I still haven't entered Viridian Forest on day two of game play. 50% of a low EXP rate is still below average in my opinion. Does anyone know if Medallions stack or not? - Money gain seems fine as a member. Then again, I've only fought one trainer thus far. :Cry: - In trainer battles, one feature I like about the new games is you have the choice to change out your pokemon before your opponent sends out the next one. I prefer this only for PvE. PvP is understandable. I don't know how much coding that would take, but it'd be nice to see. I'll either post more ideas/requests here as I play the game, unless I'm pointed to the right thread to post in. Now back to the game. :y:
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