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About Tzikguu

  • Birthday 12/28/1998

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  1. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Red Server here^^<br/> Nice That you have something for Blue and Red too :D</t>
  2. Do you have my 5 Pokemon already finished?
  3. Oh ok mb then. Im now online if you have finished these two. And I have more Poke to train.
  4. I thought about it a little and i would rather have hp on my duskull than speed if you havent done it already. ^^
  5. I am but you set your status to "offline".
  6. I couldnt reach you ingame :https://prntscr.com/ev4lj4
  7. I just reloged and they are in my bag again. Maybe it was just a visual bug.
  8. I just beat giovanni at the bottom of Pinkan City. After that i got teleported back to the sailor at Pinkan City. I walked to the Pinkan Ranger to get my Pokeballs back but he didnt gived them back. He wanted a Electabuzz and a Scyther. So i looked in my inventory and i automaticly got my Pokeballs/great Balls and Ultra balls back. But the 2 Masterballs from the Chrismas present were gone. The times before when i entered the zone i had to give him my Pokeballs but he allowed me to keep the masterballs. But now they are gone. I was kepping them so if a shiny ralts/abra or something appears i can catch it. I m really frustrated because i couldnt now that this would happen and it would take me a lot of time to farm pvp coins for new ones because I dont have that good Pokemon. Just want to inform about this Bug.
  9. Re: Ingame BOSS [updating 06/03/2017] <t>I got 11 ultra balls from RAVINE. Is the number random? because you wrote 5x</t>
  10. I would have 2 poke to ev/lvl train. Message me when you have time to train them. Eevee lvl 40-100 252 spdef keep the moves it got Pikachu lvl 74-100 spatk 252 spd 252 keep the moves it got
  11. Hello guys, I have a few Pokemon that I would like to have ev/lvl trained but they are very valuable to me and I dont want to lose them ( for example xmas pika etc). So I wonder if there is a way so that if the person keeps my poke I can get them back. I thought about recording every conversation that we have and screenshot forum posts but I dont know, if that would be enough. Would be nice if anyone that has experience/staff could give me a answer. I appreciate it. :thanks: :thanks: :Angel:
  12. :thanks: for you comments chameleon It is also the goal to lower prices, I see not how its bad if the shinys are cheaper in the game? (Knowing that the commons are not worth much already) And as I said before, 1 chance in 2000 is still rare, we will not see any difference given the few players active at the moment (and the rarest who agrees to pay a medallion) After that is my opinion, but I do not think you'll see the 'Channel Trade' spammer of Dratini Shinys. ^^ Auf 1/2000 Chance of finding a shiny is way too low. When i farm charmander i get around 16 encounters per 5min. That means 2000÷6×5=625min for 1 shiny 625÷60=10.4. Finding a shiny every 10.4h is way too much. I personally have played 850h and only found 4 shiny rattatas and one shiny weedle. But Im still proud of it, because the chance of finding 4 shiny rattatas is ~4.7×10^-22.
  13. Rules: You might have the BO, but that doesnt mean I am willing to sell it for the Price. I reserve the right to reject your offer and withdraw my Pokemon. The auction will end after the b.o isn´t increased for 2 days. Your offer has to be at least 100k higher than the b.o. You can add me as a friend (/friend Tzikguu) or pm (/pm yourname-=-Tzikguu) me whenever I am Ingame and talk with me. Fake Bids or Trolls will be reported. Feel free to offer MS (400k). Togekiss: https://prntscr.com/d9866o
  14. I´m buying Membership Medallions. Paying 350k for each. Post here or pm me ingame (Tzikguu)!
  15. Yesterday i bought a dratini for pvp. I ev trained it atk/spd and then up to 98 so i can still evolve it into dragonite. So i used 2 rc to get it up to 100, because normal training took too long. So i used a rc on it and nothing happend. I just thought "well its just lag thats nothing new", so i used another one. Then it jumped to lvl 100 but i only could evolve it once. I just have screenshot after it happened because i couldnt knew something like this will happen and I dont record me leveling all my Pokemon. Dratini before evo: https://prntscr.com/ch38rv luckely had it linked in help chat before evolving it Dragonair lvl 100 now: https://prntscr.com/ch39x5 Dratini lvl 100 Evo: https://prntscr.com/ch3c17 Sorry for the links but in Preview i doesnt show the image so i think it the Image function doesnt work for me. I spend 625k and a lot of time training on it so i would be really thankfull, if someone could set its level to 99 or something to allow me evolving it. Thank you that you used your time to understand my problem.
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