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Phoenix09's Achievements



  1. Auction ends 24h the last bid Starts at 1.3 milion and minimum bid Is 100k
  2. I need a delevel for i tried to level it up with a rare candy in route 120 but nothing happened
  3. PLAYER CATEGORY Smartest: idkup Friendliest: iriztha Funniest: Fairview Coolest: iriztha Comeback Player of the Year: xkaroshix Most Talkative: soggyteabag Most Trustworthy: apassingcow Most Helpful: soggyteabag Most Missed: Cc197 Most Influential: iriztha Most Intriguing: apassingcow Most Experienced Player: idkup Best/Funniest Username: apassingcow Most Professional Guide Maker: Prehax Most Professional Discord Moderator: Shaui STAFF CATEGORY Best Mapper: Sprinkz Best Artist: Aeolus Best Community Coordinator: Shaui Best Moderator: Letrix Best Trade Moderator: Logan Best Game Master: Noisia Best Admin: Shaui Best Staff Username: Logan Most Professional Staff: Shaui Most Dedicated Staff: Shaui Funniest Staff: Shaui Friendliest Staff: Shaui Most Honorable Former Staff: Anduin Most Missed Former Staff: Hideliot
  4. up
  5. 400k http://prntscr.com/lcpxc8 450k http://prntscr.com/lcpz07 700k http://prntscr.com/lcpzw2
  6. I beat oak and then he said wich pokemon do you want? i have chosen dratini he asked to me do you want syncronize or shiny, i clicked syncronize and then he said have you got a pokemon with syncronize? i clicked no and then i went to the poke center for bring a syncronize poke. I talked to him again but he forgot to give me the dratini :(
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