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Bugcatcher's Achievements



  1. Re: R3vo - The Triumphant Return <r>1. IGN(In Game Name):<B><s></s>BugCatcher.<e></e></B><br/> 2. Age: <B><s></s>22.<e></e></B><br/> 3. Location/Country: <B><s></s>USA.<e></e></B><br/> 4. Hours Played(view trainer card) :<B><s></s> 25hours 11 minutes.<e></e></B><br/> 5. Are you friends with anyone in R3vo? If so, can they vouch for you?<B><s></s> I am friends with Universe on my alt, but I wouldn't ask for them to vouch as we don't talk really.<e></e></B><br/> 6. List all previous guild that you have been apart of in PRO and the reason for your departure. : <B><s></s>None.<e></e></B><br/> 7. Can you be active in Skype? :<B><s></s> I am always online, usually through my phone. Even while in class =p<e></e></B><br/> 8. Do you promise to abide by R3vo's Guild Oath? <B><s></s>Yeah, I can do that.<e></e></B></r>
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