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Everything posted by Sitzei

  2. Re: SiTzei's - PRO - YouTube Channel <r><CENTER><s> </s><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s><SIZE size="200"><s></s>NEW VIDEO<e></e></SIZE><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER><br/> <IMG src="https://i.imgur.com/40eGwYc.png"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  5. Re: [EPIC] SNORLAX - WEEZING - MAMOSWINE - GIGALITH [EPIC] <t>weezing sold</t>
  6. Re: [EPIC] SNORLAX - WEEZING - MAMOSWINE - GIGALITH [EPIC] <r>bump <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  7. -I invoke my right to change the price of my Pokes (EVEN mid auction) UNLESS there's an instant price already. -Fake offering will be seriously dealt with. -ITEMS are not acceptable -Read Official Trade Rules Before Bidding [glow=blue]Best Offer:[/glow] [glow=blue]Instant price:[/glow] [glow=silver]Non added yet[/glow] [glow=blue]Best Offer:[/glow] [glow=blue]Instant price:[/glow] [glow=silver]Non added yet[/glow] [glow=blue]Best Offer:[/glow] [glow=blue]Instant price:[/glow] [glow=silver]Non added yet[/glow] [glow=blue]Best Offer:[/glow] [glow=blue]Instant price:[/glow] [glow=silver]Non added yet[/glow]
  8. -I invoke my right to change the price of my Pokes (EVEN mid auction) UNLESS there's an instant price already. -Fake offering will be seriously dealt with. -ITEMS are not acceptable -Read Official Trade Rules Before Bidding [glow=blue]Best Offer:[/glow] [glow=blue]Instant price:[/glow] [glow=silver]600.000[/glow] [glow=blue]Best Offer: 400.000 by xenox56[/glow] [glow=blue]Instant price:[/glow] [glow=silver]1.500.000[/glow]
  9. Re: SiTzei's - PRO - YouTube Channel <r><E>:thanks:</E> <E>:thanks:</E> <E>:Heart:</E></r>
  10. Re: SiTzei's - PRO - YouTube Channel <r><CENTER><s> </s><GLOW glow="red"><s>[glow=red]</s><SIZE size="200"><s></s>NEW VIDEO<e></e></SIZE><e>[/glow]</e></GLOW> <SPOILER><s> </e></SPOILER><e> </e></CENTER><br/> <br/> <CENTER><s> </s><IMG src=" https://i.imgur.com/fpcpS2C.png"><s></e></IMG><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  11. see you mate u will be missed thanks for stay at Chronos after crisis door is open if u ever come back wish u the best :Heart:
  12. lul I do agree with this suggestion only if nobody gains rating and nobody gains a coin, also the SR bug is fixed afaik. yes ofc a tie button means nobody lose nobody win something just end the misery
  13. After my worst experience in PRO after 1.600+ Hours i wanna make a suggestion , i battled a guy and our teams got left with same pokemons Blissey and Starmie vs Blissey and Starmie so we end up to switch over and over again for over 2 Hours cuz nobody could win and nobody wanted to lose when u switch out u dont consume PP on a move so that battle should never end. I asked GM's on discord is is possible to force a restart since that was a hell but they said no i know it sounds like huge move for just a battle (but in my point of view and specialy that momment i was in a tab to switch over and over again for more than 2 hours that was a great solution ) server will restart nobody lose points everyone is happy (but other ppl probably should come up with :O i lost a shiny metagross cuz 20 min wasnt enough to caught it and stuff like that ) so now with more clear mind i see why i got rejected and would ask a sorry to kerres for being a bit mad on our conversation well to my suggestion subject now to avoid more battles like that in the future should we add a TIE button on PRO? Should that be a solution for Stealth Rock Bug too? when a game is unwinnable by both sides why should someone is forced to make a rr and wait 45 min to battle again and lose his points or both player waste their time for waiting server restart? i am not sure how easy is that TIE BUTTON be added since i dont have idea about code things i hope isnt a big deal. What do u guys think about this ? I am pretty sure more guys should had same experience too
  14. well after that experience i am gonna make a suggestion hold on
  15. is not about PP u dont waste pp when switch out we just switch out for 2 hours i am fucking bored
  16. Hello i am battleing a guy for last 2 hours and we are left with blissey gengar starmie vs blissey and starmie nobody gonna lose this just switching what we are supposed to do lol ? maybe can u force a restart is lamme wasting so much time for this but i am not gonna let him win me like that lol
  17. Re: BIG UPDATE 9/2/2017 | SiTzei's Market Place | <t>UPDATED NEW POKES ADDED</t>
  18. Re: BIG UPDATE 9/2/2017 | SiTzei's Market Place | <r>bumping <E>:thanks:</E></r>
  19. yea i had report that too but they need need a video or SS this happening
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