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About Freezekirby

  • Birthday 12/30/1994

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  1. ... I have not given up. I am still looking for those I listed in the Opening and the previous bump. (Week: 3???? 4?????)
  2. Re: vastik's shop [25/9] - NEW SHOP, BIG ONE <r><QUOTE author="vastik"><s> </e></QUOTE> @_@ Ouch. However, I'm afraid I cannot say no, given I have bought members of my "Elite" PvP team for the same amount. I will gladly accept the instant buyout price of 650k, if I may be given a tiny bit of time. May you add me in-game so that I may slack off on checking the forum, please? :'D<br/> <br/> Otherwise, I shall be in Mauville most certainly, for the moment, as I have not completed Hoenn yet.</r>
  3. Quick and Important Bump: -I am now looking for a Shiny Shinx as well.
  4. Re: vastik's shop [25/9] - NEW SHOP, BIG ONE <t>Sheesh, that Houndoom, holy crapballs... Uhm, lessee...<br/> <br/> My first offer for Houndoom is 450k! I don't wanna go bankrupt just yet... q-q<br/> <br/> (Always assuming you haven't sold said Houndoom, assuming my eyesight has not betrayed me.)</t>
  5. Re: Searching for Vees. A Hassle! <r>... Amazingly, I am still looking for one. And it has almost been a week.<br/> <CENTER><s> </s><GLOW glow="yellow"><s>[glow=yellow]</s>Still searching for a Female Timid Eevee with IV meeting the criteria in the OP.<e>[/glow]</e></GLOW><e> </e></CENTER></r>
  6. Aww, man, that sucks. No goodbye giveaway either?(Kidding. Your choice x3) Take care, will ya? Was nice making biznizz with you! ~Kirby
  7. Dayum, both Gallade and Absol tempt me like hell... Hnnnnngh... Please keep me from making mistakes... Hnnngh, I'm gonna bid on both if they still are available... (PS: I just started Hoenn.) Offers, if they are available: -Gallade: 350k as a start. -Absol: 350k as well, as a start still. Going slow so that I may not immediately blow all of my money away. x'D... Kinda limited at the moment. @-@
  8. Re: Searching for Vees. A Hassle! <t>Still looking for the perfect Vee across all channels related to trading... And hunting myself as well. #Bump</t>
  9. Hullo folks! This time, what I am looking for is a real hassle to find, it seems... What I am looking for is an Eevee. But, not an ordinary Eevee, mind you. What I am looking for must fall into these criteria-And be very careful 'cause one of them cannot be overlooked... So please do NOT flash your Eevees at me if they do not meet the first and most important Criteria! @_@ I've had enough of those flashed in my face, even with natures I am all but interested in. GENDER: FEMALE Nature: Timid IV: Attack: X Defense: X (Higher than 15 would be ideal though.) Special Attack: 28+ Special Defense: X (Same as Defense.) Speed: 30/31 HP: 15+ Hit me up with your best prices and your best Vees! PM me In-Game if you don't get a response in this thread or via PM on the forum! I won't be turning down any who meets these criteria. Try not to overprice your Vees, okay? That'd be really great... @_@ ~Kirby --Edit: As of 10/10, I am now looking for a Shiny Shinx as well, one that is all of the epics. Gender doesn't matter-but the IV do matter. As high as they can be. I do not need to say more, hit me up with your best Shinies! I will pay handsomely, even if with a possibility of a tiny bit of delay in the payment. I will pay, regardless of the time needed. Shiny Shinx has taken top priority as of 10/10.
  10. Re: iDevonHunter Shop Epic Trained / Untrained Pokemon <t>Curses! I have been outbid... !!!!!!<br/> <br/> <br/> ... But I can go higher. Offering 650k!!!!!!! q_q I will not let this one go :C</t>
  11. Re: iDevonHunter Shop Epic Trained / Untrained Pokemon <t>That Chandelure makes me want to kidnap it and hug it. Don't mind if I buy it?~<br/> <br/> Offering 550k for said Chandelure, for now.~</t>
  12. Giveawaaaaays!~ Quoting one of the first posters-Give away a new Boss NPC! :'D... If it had to be Material, make it... Ugh, one can have way too many ideas. X'D... Fingerless Gloves, why not? Something more uncommon. :P Wristbands? Scarves? (HA, Geddit? ... >Choice Scarf...) Way too many ideas...
  13. Hullo folks, I am looking for Eevees this time. Epic Eevees, at that-and I am forced to be quite strict on the price. The price can still be discussed In-Game if you do not wish to constantly check the thread multiple times. What I am looking for in these Eevee-they must be as similar as possible to those standards: HP IV: 20+ ATK IV: X(Doesn't Matter.) DEF IV: 25+ SP. ATK IV: 30/31 SP. DEF IV: 25+ SPD: 20+ Nature: Modest I would like to find at least one like this, but I can accept two if they still are as epic as above. I will pay handsomely, for both Eevee. I will not need more than two. You can easily find me In-Game if you yell in All chat as well. Have a nice day, and I hope we can have some nice business. =w= ~Kirby
  14. Re: RIGSHOP (17/09 UPDATE) <t>Will be in-Game for that time. :P</t>
  15. Re: RIGSHOP (17/09 UPDATE) <r><QUOTE author="ImRig"><s> </e></QUOTE> Man, I'm not even gonna take the wait and accept your instant buyout offer. You're awesome to deal with! Poke me In-Game if you hear me talk in All chat or trade if it is a deal!</r>
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