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Everything posted by Caphao010

  1. Count me I like infernape :Heart-eyes: :Heart-eyes:
  2. Re: Shiny And Timid Charizard starts auction. delay around 10 days and restart. <t>I offer 31m</t>
  3. Re: WTS EPIC TIMID LITLEO <t>I star 400k</t>
  4. Re: Selling shiny Breloom, shiny tauros (48 hours count down for Breloom) <t>6m+ 1ms by me</t>
  5. Re: Selling shiny Breloom, shiny tauros (48 hours count down for Breloom) <t>5m5 + 1ms by me</t>
  6. Re: hidden ability pokes:dratinis-cleffa-chinchou <t>2m5 ada dratini</t>
  7. Re: hidden ability pokes:dratinis-cleffa-chinchou <t>2m ada and 800k timid</t>
  8. Re: hidden ability pokes:dratinis-cleffa-chinchou <t>1m6 dratini ada h.a</t>
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