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Posts posted by G0ld1

  1. C++ and HTML have very little to do with on another.


    HTML is a markup language used to write website frontends.

    C++ is a general-purpose programming language, mostly used to create server and desktop applications.


    What do you want to do? Create a website? A web-based game? You won't need C++ for any of that.


    @Judgeharm I had a look at the C++ videos you recommended. It encourages a lot of bad practices.


    For instance:

    • using namespace std;
    • use of "\n" instead of the generic std::endl
    • invalid main declaration: int main() instead of int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    • inconsistencies, sometimes write curly braces on the same line as the declaration, sometimes not


    More importantly, what he is doing in his videos is teaching C by using C++. Writing C++ like C is a very bad idea. C++ has a layer of compatibility with C but one should not write C++ like C.


    However, learning C before C++ is a good idea, since the concepts of C are used in C++.

    If you plan on learning C++, I would advise learning C with the K&R book. It is a reference and the best book there is to learn C and programming overall. The authors are Brian Kernighan, one of the main Unix creators and Dennis Ritchie, the inventor of C (mostly for Unix).

    You could then go for Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ from Bjarne Stroustrup, the creator of C++.

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