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  1. So, let's see if i get this clear: 1) Play for 150 hours, or a little bit more than 6 straight days. 2) Train a pokemon until level 60 with the optimal EVs and the best IVs you can get, if possible a synchronize like eevee. 3) When you reach the hours and you have the pokemon trained, go to Mt. Stark and talk to Buck. 4) Start battling NPCs and making your way through the mountain, and since the NPC's pokemons are at your level or higher, your pokemon starts to level up and get stronger. 5) Get crited twice in a row and the pokemon dies, and since it's level 60+ can't come back. 6) Start again from step 2) until you quit. Did i miss something?
  2. Re: 4 epic Eevees <t>200K ada eevee</t>
  3. Re: Trigga's Treasures: PVP player selling ALL pokemon (Migrate to Red server) <t>350k bisharp and 200k vullaby</t>
  4. Not sure if it's easy to change the way the game updates, but it would be amazing if at least the new versions are uploaded to a platform that doesn't collapse so we have to upload it ourselves. :Heart:
  5. Well, i didn't asked mods to mass ban every scripter suddenly. And since this went to a mess, i'm canceling the auction and keeping the weavile. Thanks.
  6. Hi, interested in hiring for leveling. Please contact me ingame or via PM
  7. Anitore69 won the auction, let me know when you are online.
  8. Last day for offers! :Crazy:
  9. Re: Epic PvP Ready Pokemon / Epic Untrained and Toxic Orb <t>180k for Timburr</t>
  10. Since no new offers came in lately, i'm adding an insta of 5M for Weavile.
  11. Same here (blue server though). Went to find the abandoned flareon an it wasn't there. I went there after completing the main quest on Vulcan Island (choose Team Aqua side) if that's of any help.
  12. The Tepigs literally broke the market. Hopefully GMs find a fair solution for it.
  13. Sounds fun! :Crazy: Thank you!!!
  14. Starting bid: 1M Current offer: 4M by Anitore69 Insta buy out: 5M Ending: September 26th 1 P.M. EST time -MS counts as 350k Thank you and good luck!
  15. Hi everyone! My name is Jonathan, long time lurker, first time poster here. Have been playing for a while on Blue server and figured i should be around here more often. English isn't my first language, so sorry if i mess up :P. Had some previous experience on the classic pokemon games (red, gold, crystal, sapphire, emerald, pearl) and little to no knowledge of the last gens D:. Hope to see you guys on Blue server! Cheers!!!
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