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Everything posted by Addison
Phew. Thought I was an old person to be playing this, haha! 27
Well what do ya know, I have a Jolly Charizard after all! Haha.
Is this allowed? Sorry if it isn't. Just thought I'd save everyone a lot of trouble by staying away from those that have scammed. So that you don't need to worry about scammers anymore and whom steals your trade evolution pokemon you're trying to evolve (Kadabra, Machoke, etc.) And when you're about to do a trade with somebody you don't know and have just met/feel uncomfortable with that person, you can bookmark this thread and check back here to see if they're in the scammers list. Of course, I can't be the only one who does this! So if you know of any scammers then please post here so I can update the thread! Also, I'll be listing usernames in alphabetical order. Scammer List:
That worked wonders. Magneton (level 22) with Sturdy, taking the hit with 1 HP left, using Thunder Wave, And Charizard finishing it off easily because it kept not being able to move.
Took me by surprise. I'm not going to spoil anything (new players may see this) But for those of you who has been and beaten the Kanto's final gym (Giovanni) I was like, WOAH! Wiped out my whole team! (Well, one was level 70 and the rest were probably to weak) A team member of mine suggested catching a magnemite with Sturdy. So I did that... so now I'll be training that magnemite tomorrow. Any other advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Which Pokemon/Types should I bring with me to take this gym down? What level should I be? Thanks!
Hey Blue! I'm Addison, nice to meet you ^^ I've seen you around in-game =) Good to have you back and we may bump into each other again, haha!
I'm always close to beating Sabrina, the 6th gym leader, so I know I have it. But, now I feel maybe I've been rushing and not really learning the differences of PRO. I know now that keeping a pokemon from evolving means faster leveling and there's a move tutor in Saffron/Cerulean for $2,000 to learn the moves an evolved pokemon can learn that the 1st form of pokemon can't... among other stuff I've learned. Oh! And that there's no breeding in the game so we just spam catch to find a good nature and IVs. I barely have any Pokemon at all. 6 in my party and only a couple in my storage box. Ouch. Is there anything else I should know to better myself in PRO? I sort of just rushed through the game without learning the differences of PRO. I thought that I'd do all that after I beat the E4. And really get to know PRO. But it seems I should do this now? Because I've lost a few number of times against Sabrina. Where is a good training place to train pokemon for Sabrina? Andddd I guess I ought to search high and low for good Pokemon now.
I'll join teamspeak in about an hour, I'm hoping to see someone when I get there! (Principle hopefully tonight) I'd really love to join. Ignore my post of another guild, I'd really rather join the University instead. I'm going to edit my post on that other guild and join here instead, after almost all day today.. no one's responded over there anyways. A little about me: My name is Addison and I'm 27 years old. So, I've played Pokemon since Red and Blue came out. But I'm definitely not experienced in the competitive scene. And, I really need to study more about types (I do mess them up a lot, super effective, not very affective, not affective at all), natures and what increases/decreases, breeding, etc. Everything you need to know to be a competitive player. Years andd years of playing Pokemon and I'm still a newbie. I'd really love to join Pokemon University and help shape me up some more (Or a lot more!) and stick around for awhile. I'm near my 6th badge right now though if that's alright? I haven't beaten the Pokemon League yet. I hope you quote me and I get to hear from you ^^
Before I decide to join, I wanted to point out something to you and see if it's okay to join or not. Right now I'm only in Fuschia City. I haven't even completed the Elite Four yet. But your guild fits perfectly with what I've wanted to do here in Pokemon Revolution Online after beating the E4. Was to hunt/breed (And I can hunt/breed a darn long time too), patiently, and find the best pokemon there is and I really do love to learn which pokemon's nature is best, what the best moveset is, and which 5x31 IV's I should get, etc. Ha. Actually, I say all this. But, I've never done any of this at all. In any Pokemon game. But hey, this is an MMORPG.. and PRO is an amazing one at that. I really would love to better myself as a Pokemon trainer and so that's why I've had thoughts of doing a lot of hunting/breeding, hardcore, and being a competitive player. So, I know that I'm new to the breeding and hunting for good pokemon! But, I'd really love for you to think about it and see if it's okay for me to join or not! If not, just tell me the requirements you'd love for me to fulfill and I'll happily complete them! I really do think this is the guild for me
Everyone, this works. Thanks a lot Carlack, after a couple of days, I can get playing again now ^^
Hey everyone, I'm stuck too and this thread pinpoints exactly what's going on with me. I'm sure though that the staff are working on this bug and fixing it up ^^ So let's be patient! I'm just playing other games and watching Netflix until this gets fixed!
Yep, it is. I'm currently having an in-game issue. With this new update, my window is like way to big or something. I can only see like part of the yellow letter P of Pokemon in screen.
Hey Ethaliwyr, I tried and /friend you last night, but you weren't around. I live in the USA Eastern Timezone, how about you? I tried a couple of times and I'll try more but keep seeing "Ethaliwyr is not online" :P
Re: ≻Equilbrium≺ - "Coming Soon" <t>Sounds good buddy!<br/> I actually have made one friend already in-game. She lives in Romania though so that's like 6 hours ahead of me :P<br/> I live in the East Coast of USA. If you don't mind members of different countries, I'll definitely talk to her about it!</t>
Re: ≻Equilbrium≺ - "Coming Soon" <r>Will you be accepting new players? ^^<br/> I just recently started playing and trust me when I say, <B><s></s>I'll be active<e></e></B>! ^_^<br/> I really am amazed by Pokemon Revolution Online and will be playing as much of this as I possibly can/schedule let's me!<br/> So, you don't have to worry about me being on just once a week. Way more than once, wayyy more xP<br/> <br/> My name is Addison (Also my in-game name ^^)<br/> And I'll be turning 27 this coming Saturday O_O<br/> I'm a pretty casual player who likes to take his time and explore everything ^^<br/> Though, I'm not catching very many pokemon right now :P<br/> I'm just catching pokemon who I think I'd love to have in my party to progress through the game/to take down the Elite Four<br/> And then I'll worry about filling my pokedex another time ^^<br/> But even then! When I finish Kanto/Johto, instead of filling my Pokedex, I may want to make a good IVd/EVd team to use against others ^^<br/> But, I'm really out of practice in the competitive scene with Pokemon, using IVs and EVs, finding a good nature, all of that.<br/> <br/> And--- okay just kidding, I won't talk anymore.<br/> I tend to blabber on and on and on and I'll never stop.<br/> But if you read this far, wow that's pretty good. I don't think people really read my posts (In other forums) they just skim through the whole post xP<br/> <br/> But yeah hey! I love joining new guilds and growing up with the guild ^^<br/> So, I would really love to join if you're accepting new players!<br/> <br/> Oh my, Oh my. I forgot to tell you where I am at currently in game!<br/> I'm in Mt Moon. I bought membership too so my Pokemon of 6 are decent leveled and just ready to go through Mt. Moon.</r>
Because the server is full buddy. 1400/1400 players online. Just keep trying to log in, you'll get there at one point. Go here https://pokemonrevolution.net/ It will tell you how many players are on
hehe same, right after I posted this thread. I got in! WOO! Another question: How many minutes does it take to automatically get kicked out the game if you're AFK?
I've tried logging in about 20+ times now. (I'm a patient guy) This is NOT a complaint thread or anything. I just need my big question I keep thinking to myself out of the way. When I log in and it gives you the usual "Cannot Connect To Server" (Cause it's full, I know) Do I completely log out and exit the game and come back on to try again? Or can I stay in the game and keep clicking on login hoping to get in? I didn't know if I had to like refresh the whole client or not after not being able to log in.
I agree. I think this server is REALLY popular. People love this game and we're all going to be playing on it awhile. And I'm sure new members will just keep adding up, meaning a lot more people waiting to log in. Add in a queue system or something so we aren't clicking to login every few seconds. And then whoever signs out the game, the longest waiting player who's in queue gets in next.
How active are you guys checking the TeamR guild thread? ^^ I'd love to join if it's at all possible :) I'm new to PRO but I'm very socialable/chatty and love making new friends <3 I even ordered a membership and mount! (How cool is that!) And I'll even order myself the Team Rocket Suit once y'all invite me ^^ Send me a PM if interested in getting to know me and seeing if I'm fit for the guild <3