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About Swarmformation

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  1. My question is this, if you don't care about being in the top 25, why do you exactly need pvp coins? your 65 wins should have given you plenty or darn close to a toxic orb and thats about the only thing I can see being a necessity. Most of the other stuff is cosmetic, and anything of substance for actual gameplay is 50 coins. The only other reason for those pvp coins being needed is to show off some flashy content :Grin: -- and if you really want it that bad you're probably going to have to re-evaluate how you do things, blue server that has been out for sometime has some players in top 30 with barely 30 wins or even less. Your premise of 25 or less wins as a benchmark is irrelevant. I do not believe finding quality opponents is that difficult in this current time, the opportunities to improve your rating are there. TDLR; If you want your bragging rights go earn them like everyone else but prove your actual skill and win rate, this isn't about working harder it's about playing smarter because, after all this is a strategy game w/ some random random numbers at times but let's face it 40% winrate over 150 games says statistically you're doing something wrong on a consistent basis Anything else past 50 is purely cosmetic and you'll have to beat people out for a nice cape or mount
  2. Can you screenshot your ranked pvp record above the backpack section prehax? If you have some ungodly winrate and are not in top 25 I'd like to see it so we can add context to this
  3. I think it would be a good addition, another 50 slots would be great
  4. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server) (recruiting currently) <t>welcome welcome :)</t>
  5. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server Recruiting) <t>welcome new members!</t>
  6. Re: RUKittenMe (Yellow Server Recruiting) <t>Welcome Aboard!</t>
  7. Please close this thread as a new thread is being constructed
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