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  1. good guide, that's a ridiculous amount of trainers.
  2. Items can't be restored from a crash, sorry. Edit: The MS should be in your inv somewhere or on your pokemon, but if it's not, it's not going to be added to your account.
  3. Clarification, I'm not against the idea of client side messages to specific players. But I wouldn't want to server-wide messages like Player01 caught epic weedle!!! or Player01 just beat the kanto elite four!! Messages that only go to individual players such as: You caught a weedle with x iv attack y iv defense..... and it's nature is IMPISH. That would be nice. Runescape sucks because if someone gets some major achievement, they force every player on the server to see the accomplishment. KRYPTOS JUST GOT LEVEL 99 FISHING!!! << lol
  4. the server isn't being ddos'd
  5. Right, because red recently went down before red, then blue went down.. blue came back up, and red is still down. Both you say? Okay.
  6. Took me less than two hours to level a rattata to 100. I saw hundreds of people when I got to Hoenn yesterday... I even got a shiny rattata out of the whole thing. With the amount of time it takes to construct a forum post, you could have probably had one at 50 minimum. I almost guarantee the gating mechanism is in place for server stability. If everyone immediately went to Hoenn, the servers would have not been able to handle it. Besides, this is one of the least grindy tasks I've had to deal with in this game... Staff confirmed the gating mechanism is in place for server stability. It's less of a 'troll' and more of a 'gimmick' as a solution to the problem you described.
  7. No one is 'mad'. Tons of people on red are leveling and I haven't seen anyone complain. maybe once in a blue moon 1 person complains and makes themselves sound like a fool. The requirement makes sense, from a tech solution standpoint as a buffer. Not even sure what this thread....
  8. what if his name is NPC and it's an inside joke.
  9. If you have a pokemon with 'frisk' you can see if the grimer is holding a black sludge. I have one on red I don't plan to use because I have 8 leftovers.
  10. honestly this sounds a lot like runescape. I haven't played runescape since middle school when I was like 15, but I know nowadays they announce when someone gets a certain skill or achievement. It sounds more annoying than helpful.
  11. Awesome guide. I was so lost, I had no idea the requirement was a level 100 rattata until this video!
  12. I think 1 Week.
  13. Stop crying about getting a level 100 Rattata. It's a requirement to increase stability. My Rattata is no ordinary Rattata.
  14. You can unfriend people in your friend list. it's in your social tab.
  15. Try rebooting your client. You might have also lost data from a server crash.
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