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Everything posted by Buxie

  1. I reinstalled and mine still does not work.
  2. I I cannot play on my smartphone either. I can open the app and see the login buttons, the game wont launch and servers are up.
  3. IGN: Buxie Looking to play with some people.
  4. I don't have a guild, but wouldn't mind playing with you guys. Working on Johto E4 atm. Buxie Discord is Bux0r#1785
  5. Buxie

    Cinnabar [Red]

    IGN: Buxie Hours: 70 Reason: Looking for people to play with, and to learn about the game. Play ever other day usually.
  6. Buxie


    Re: LUMINOSITY ~ recruiting - red server :) <t>I am 31 year old from the states, been playing Pokemon games off and on for a long time.<br/> <br/> -What is your in-game name in PRO (Red server only)? <br/> <br/> Buxie<br/> <br/> -How many hours do you have(Provide Trainer Card)?<br/> <br/> 60 hrs<br/> <br/> -Why do you wish to join Luminosity? <br/> <br/> I want a guild to play with on Red without having to restart on another server. Also, would like to bring my insights into the game into a community. In addition, I am also tired of playing alone.<br/> <br/> -What is your goals in pro?<br/> <br/> I want to train some Pokemon and help the team if I can. I am not searching for glory just enjoying the Pokemon universe, but I am interested in PvP.<br/> -Are you able to visit the discord channel?<br/> <br/> Yes.<br/> <br/> Are you able follow the PRO/Guild rules?<br/> <br/> No problemo.</t>
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