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Everything posted by Armathyx

  1. Updated nature list, I buy any of those mentionned.
  2. Re: WTB Eevee, calm modest or bold <r><QUOTE author="lampshadejaz"><s> </e></QUOTE> That's way off of what I need. Maybe if it was adamant or jolly I could've made a jolteon or a flareon out of it.</r>
  3. I'm on server Yellow. Also, thanks everyone!
  4. Hi, I'm Armathyx, I'm a student in chemistry. Also, I'm from Portugal. I like training Eevees. I also play Pokemon Showdown and Pokemon Go a lot but I felt like trying something a bit more MMO-like. Team Mystic is great and water type Pokemon are the best. I'm happy this game exists, it's pretty cool!
  5. I'm buying all sorts of low level Eevees (level 5 prefered). They don't have to be perfect but I prefer 10+ IVs. I accept the following natures: Bold, Adamant, Jolly, Calm, Timid, Modest, Mild, Rash, Careful. Leave a message here because I might not be online. Or just try to PM me in game.
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