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About Revika

  • Birthday 11/27/1989

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  1. Re: Christmas Event Part 1 <t>Ah, no worries, figured it out guys. If you need the x86, actually download the x32 instead. I think the download links were switched around.</t>
  2. Re: Christmas Event <t>yeah, just downloaded the x86 bit and it still says my client is out of date. :u</t>
  3. thanks for looking!
  4. Oh nice, HOW DO My phone doesn't struggle with it, it's an LG G4 lmao. I said so it doesn't kill the battery. :3
  5. I've already posted around a bit, but I figured I'd finally make an intro. I'm Revika, Korean, and I have been playing the main pokemon games since the originals (my first was Blue). My dream team iiisss: Mega Mawile, Shiny Clefable, Togekiss, Klefki, Sylveon and Azumarill. :)
  6. Heh, a lot of us that grew up with pokemon aren't scared about showing that we're a fan of the games by having the Go+. :) I will proudly wear mine and battle anyone who challenges me.
  7. Huh, yeah honestly I'm not too sure how that is even supposed to work. I don't really see a "buy" or "send offer" option, so usually you would need to trade and then send coins to the recipient. But if they scam you, you can report it to a mod. Just screencap that you guys are trading X for Y coins. But I haven't seen such a low amount of coins for a pokemon..
  8. Get rid of the chat box (or at least make it able to be closed out) and then boom, place for control/movement overlay 'buttons'. Perhaps lower graphics so it doesn't kill battery. And I would really love an auto-update patcher for the phone at least..
  9. I think it's interesting there's a lot of things that are Members Only but the membership coin (or whatever it is) is sold out. :l
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