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  1. Thank you for the response.
  2. Hello Exotyc, do you have any updates on this issue as of now? Please give me a time estimate on when you think we can resolve this if you are able. Thank you.
  3. Alright, thank you.
  4. Hello Exotyc, my pvp coins on my silver account still haven't been restored. Were you ever able to find out why they disappeared? Please let me know.
  5. Hey Exotyc, any updates? Please let me know.
  6. Any updates? Please let me know.
  7. Hello Exotyc I went to the pvp coin shop to check whether or not it was a visual bug, I was not able to purchase any rerolls.
  8. Hello Exotyc, thank you for responding. I bought the 4 rerolls and 1 nature reroll on my gold account not my silver account. My silver account is the one where I lost the coins in question.
  9. Hello, I am posting this because I believe that I have been affected by some bug that caused me to lose my pvp coins. During the December season I laddered on both my silver and gold accounts and I received the pvp coins on both accounts. Today I logged in to my silver account and found that I don't have any pvp coins. I never spent them, can someone please help me get them back?
  10. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) #2 ♦ <t>Hopefully I get lucky!<br/> <br/> server: RED<br/> name: Nerglefergle</t>
  11. wts these guys 200k 800k 300k 200k pm me in game if you want in game name: Nerglefergle
  12. H-hello everyone... I'm NergleFergle, I j-just wanted to share my experience with t-this guild. When I first applied to Cinnabar I was a joyful, happy, fun-loving, normal boy. It didn't take too long for Meiji to m-message me an invite to the d-discord server. When I first joined it was all fun and games, but something s-seemed off, it was like everyone was mocking me for voicing my sincere, thoughtful, pure, opinions. It didn't take too long before we were all in a voice chat and everyone was talking to each other, b-but it felt like e-everyone was just laughing at me when I was trying my hardest to just be myself. I always tried to get along with everyone, and I always gave warm welcomes to everyone who joined the guild. I was the nicest, most trusting, outgoing, helpful player I could make myself out to be, but no matter how hard I tried; be it making everyone laugh with my hilarious 4chan links from the adult gif section, my clever 9/11 puns, or even my brilliant school shooting jokes, they all just mocked me and laughed at me. I never understood, and I asked myself: why? Why do they just think of me as some kind of joke? Between Ynto's belittling insults, Meiji's humiliating name changes (He even took away my nickname change permissions), and Vulpine's constant harassment of me... I just... I fell into a state of depression. I even cried a little. I just kept asking myself why? what did I do to deserve this? I'm just trying to be me. As of this moment I'm currently being bullied and made fun of in the chat. Despite their ill intent towards me I'll be the better person and stand out, and repay their negativity with kindness. I'll fight on no matter how much they kick me while I'm down. B-but that's just my story, think what you will of it, and always try to be a better person.
  13. Listen here and listen well all you rambunctious, cantankerous, depraved hooligans seeking to join the great Cinnabar, I am NergleFergle-sama. Yes, -sama, include the honorific. If you are reading this, I am here to tell YOU that this so-called guild is not for the faint of heart. To survive here you'd better do best to harden yourself up, abide by the strict rules, and be ready for some degenerative foul-mouthed conversations, shocking 4chan links, and unmerciful, unusual, otherwordly 'punishment' imposed by none other than the ultra-lewd, unholy, mother of the sinful, the eternal obasan Vulpine. So, if you're still thinking about joining this hellish cesspool of a guild, then come prepared, keep your wits about you, and keep your mind perverted. Oh, and remember, keep your holes clean, or we'll keep them clean for you.
  14. WTS Shiny Seadra
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