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  1. I am at mayor vlad with full team of 100s and he says I've never seen you before.How do you get in this place.
  2. I am at mayor vlad with full team of 100s and he says I've never seen you before.How do you get in this place.
  3. I found all blue pokeballs (I also saw a vid where they are) and they say I have found one out of the three spirits and I can't do anything
  4. normal price ;D
  5. this might sound bad i dont want it to sound like that but its kind of ur fault cause the server was lagging and i had to press it like 3-4 times making me to missclick but thanks anyway @Shinohara
  6. i hadnt encountered a single xmas themed in 3 days and today i found a dedenne and caught it.But i also found an xmas sentret but i pressed run cause i mispressed it with my fingers (phone).i wondered if there was an yway u could help me get it as a christmas present lol.I mean u could jsut give me the worse sentret with all stats 01 but its was themed :(.U could also remove the one masterball i have as a price i have no problem. @Shinohara
  7. I need help cause i ruined the christmas miracle
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