This change has been live for a few days now I would like to give some feedback / ask if others have the same feeling:
-Before the rework, it wasn't rare that I would get 2 or 3 "rare" ( over 1k2 disco ) encounters per site, and every 3 sites or so I would get a 3k+ encounter average.
-Using today's run as an example, I had got 1 tarpinch 2 misdreavus 1 sawk 1 troh 1 smoochumnm, all the rest was comon stuff or items. In Ferral site I only had Houndour and items.
Now this is not to whine about it or anything and I know it's only been a few days and there could be variance, but it really feels like encounters are significantly worse for me since the rework. I also talked to a few people who had the same feeling.
I'm on yellow with 2k6 discoveries currently, could it possible that the new system takes into account discoveries and gives less pokemon that could flee ? Or are the encounters rate just worse for everyone ?