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  1. Re: Ada Talonflame H.A. <r>Traded in game <br/> <br/> <URL url="https://prnt.sc/g0oilj">https://prnt.sc/g0oilj</URL></r>
  2. https://prnt.sc/g0cc4y Starting bid 600k Auction end in one week from now.
  3. Re: Selling Epic Drago,Scizor,Gliscor,Metagross <t>800k for Drago</t>
  4. Bid start with 1M Insta 5M The last B.O. wins. Bids end 48 hours after the last Offer.
  5. Re: Magcargo And Rhyperior <r><QUOTE author="Lok667" post_id="394017" time="1496610935" user_id="120824"><s> </e></QUOTE> Okay, add me and we trade daredra (:</r>
  6. Re: Magcargo And Rhyperior <t>Ok so now Daredra is b.o. for Rhyperior with 800k<br/> <br/> Bids will be ended 24 hours after the last offer.</t>
  7. https://prnt.sc/ff84uk SStart with 800k Insta 2M https://prnt.sc/ff85v0 SStart with 600k Insta 1M
  8. Ended Congrats bin1996hn Pm me and we trade
  9. 24 hours left guys
  10. https://prnt.sc/f5npgy Start 600k Insta 3M TRADED!
  11. Looking for the B.O. for Wobuffet :Grin: 1.-If i don't like the last offer it won't be sold.
  12. Make your b.o. bro
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