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Everything posted by Rivaille
Re: WTS Good Shuppet and Epic Houndour <r><QUOTE author="boo111"><s> </e></QUOTE> I try enter in the server but i can't . Wait me one moment<br/> <br/> PD: Queue 1037.</r>
Re: WTS Good Shuppet and Epic Houndour <r><QUOTE author="boo111"><s> </e></QUOTE> What's you nick ingame? Bo111?</r>
Re: WTS Good Shuppet and Epic Houndour <r><QUOTE author="boo111"><s> </e></QUOTE> Are you Ingame?</r>
I want Buy Green Sunglasses from CoinShop. 100k for this.
Re: Doctor Pokemon Daily Quest <t>Cooldown is less that 22 hours. I enter after 21 hours and have the quests.</t>
Sorry I'm spanish player. :confused:
Time: 3 Day(Finish Jul 16, 2016 8:57 pm) BO: --
Finish traded
Ok. Agreed as friend. What's yout nickname ingame? ¨XApoman?¨ yes that my nick :D . but today i have some jobs so ill be on from 9pm gmt+3 . from monday ill be on all day :Smile: I will enter the monday 15:00 Gmt -5. I'm have class in my university. I will enter all day Tuesday.
Ok. Agreed as friend. What's yout nickname ingame? ¨XApoman?¨
The problem will increase with the increase of player in Red Server. For this, is very import that new player join the blue server and an option for this is put the Blue server as default server. Newplayers Always join in the first option of server. Players from red Server only need select the red server before enter. See mi suggestion here: https://pokemonrevolution.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=34914
Next time no post if you will don't buy.
NPC trainers is necessary for get a lot of experiencie and money.(Too por lv up Pokemon low level) a best suggestion is that rematch Npcs will optional.(Talking with this again after 1 Week)
Re: Blue server as Default Server. <r><QUOTE author="Obliternade"><s> </e></QUOTE> No all new player speak english and undertand this.(Other only want play and no take attention about ¨Select server¨)</r>
Re: Blue server as Default Server. <r>That's the problem.<br/> <br/> Many player prefer Red because have more players and Blue server don't have a lot of player.<br/> <br/> If new player will only enter in red server, Blue server will abandoned.<br/> <QUOTE author="Sharlank"><s> </e></QUOTE> Well... I think that's underestimating the average person to be honest :P<br/> When I joined back in the days blue was already available and I simply chose RED because there were more players there overall and more experienced players for more competition.<br/> I think for the new players it's up to the preference of being in a big pond as a small fish or in a smaller pond as a slightly bigger fish xD<e> </e></QUOTE> <B><s></s><br/> Guys, remember that i says about new players.<br/> <e></e></B><br/> <B><s></s>New players:<e></e></B> Don't know about that server have more player and will get more help. Only enter in the first option(Red server).</r>
Hello Guys!! I saw a big problem in the game. New player almost always enter in Red Server and not Blue server. Consequence> Blue server have few player and red excessively so much. Reason> Probably New player Unknow how change the server and for this, always enter in Red server and no blue.(Not all player speak english) --- If Blue server is the default server, New player will enter in the blue server and this will a best server(some players change to red server because have more player) and Red server will have less lag and less players in queue. Veteran player won't have problem because veteran player know how change the server. This is only for that more new player enter in blue server Guys, remember that i says about new players. New players: Don't know about that server have more player and will get more help. Only enter in the first option(Red server). Newplayers Always join in the first option of server. Players from red Server only need select the red server before enter.
Instant : 700K BO: 500k Time: 3 Days(Finish 11 July)
U forgot shiny rayquaza I dont forget this. I think that NPC can't have Shiny PkMns.
Hello. My suggestion is simple. I'd like that game add boss from other Pokemon games. Wess (Pokemon Colloseum's protagonist ) Team: Espeon, Umbreon, Feraligart, Tyranitar,Metagross, Ho-oh Nobunaga (Pokemon Conquest's antagonist) Hydreygon,Haxorus,Zekrom, Garchomp,Tyrantrum, Noivern. Lucy Fleetfoot(Pokemon trozie!'s protagonist) Team: Ambipom, Manectric, Zebtriska,Smeargle,Greninja, Accelgor Eldes(Pokemon XD's Antagonist) Team: Swellow, Kingdra, Electrivire,Heracross, Snorlax, Mega Alakazam. Ardos(Pokemon XD's Antagonist) Team: Manetric,Ninjask,Flygon,Lapras, Marowak, Mega Salamence. Ice(Pokemon Ranger's Antagonist) Team: Froslass,Glalie, Garchomp, ,Magmortar, Rypherior, Mega Gallade. Talking Pikachu with Neck Scarf (Pokemon Mistery Dungeon) Charizard, Alakazam, Tyranitar,Whiscash,Lucario, Pikachu.
Need confirmation from staff. This like a bug. Screenshot for confirmed this. Thank you
Some player need search the pieces, other player don't need. A guy in ¨All channel ¨says that a bug.(Pay 100k without search the special pieces) --- Update: Rock shine have another PkMns.
The price increase with the number of times you enter in a secret place or number or excavation.
Thank you for the screenshots.
¨The Gingery Jones¨ Secret places Hello. This is a guide for access to Gingery Jones's secret places. Requeriment: - Beat Hoenn league.(Elite 4 & Champion) - Have a lot of money: 100K - 1 pokemon with Rock smash or Pick Axe. Steps. 1- You need go to Route 114 and enter in a House in the first part. Talk with the elder guy. 2- Need find 6 Pieces of Special Rocks. The locations of rocks is the same that Gingery jones's family. You need break the rocks for take her. -Route 115(Meteor Fall Exit) -Route 119. -Rusturf Tunnel -Route 103. -Fiery Path. -Route 111.(Desert Zone) 3- Return to Elder Man in Route 114 and talk him. You need pay 100K. 4. CONGRATULATIONS!! YOU CAN ACCESS THE JONES'S SECRET PLACES. Need pay 1k for enter. You can break the rocks and encounter PkMnS or Items. Cooldown of breakable rocks: 1 Day. POKEMON LOCATIONS: -Route 115(Mineral Site) -Route 119.(Natural Site) -Rusturf Tunnel(Haunted site) -Route 103. Glacial Site -Fiery Path.(Feral Site) -Route 111.(Desert Zone) Hypothesis:(Not Confirmed) The pokemon can appeard change with the day, time or this is random before you enter in the archeological site. For example, friends tell me that Rogenrolla appeard one day with less that 1200 Excavations, but the next day this run away. Other guy say that day only find cubones and Kangaskhan in Feral site and other day appeard only Houndour. Other hypothesis is that that % of all PkMn change with the number of excavations. Example: You have 1500 Exacavations, have more chances of find a Roggenrola that a other player that only have 1000 Excavations. I need time for investigation this. If you can help me in this, i will thank you.
Recuerden que el reclutamiento es via el juego. No se puede enviar solicitud si alguien esta desconectado. Por favor, contactarse con los sublideres en el juego.