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Everything posted by Althea

  1. If anyone has a female character and has a pair of the 'casual clothes' that you can get from lavender town could you post what it looks like? I've seen it on the male model but idk what it looks like on the female one and I want to know before i drop 45k on it. Thank you~
  2. Well, i guess i could work on that, but instead i made this Scorpion costume! Sub-Zero's on the way. Man thats awesome! and Sub zero on the way :D would look good having a rival in one and you in the other haha can we get a kitana/mileena for the female version? looks good :p
  3. hey thanks! Whitney is one of my fav gym leaders btw :p
  4. I believe this is the terms of service page but idk how to fix it? I downloaded both the 32 and 64 and this happened with both. :c anyone know how to fix it? https://imgur.com/vRYvFcQ
  5. Hey I posted the other kimono earlier and I just didnt like it (this is legs but im using this char now) anyway i did another verison of it i think looks better. Im terrible at paint sorry https://imgur.com/tvW6srJ
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