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Since the backyard opened and it had a shuckle spawn, having decided that I wanted event shuckle early on, I chose to hunt the backyard exclusively as opposed to the much more popular front yard (2 rare event mons in alopix and snivy). After trying to get shuckle when the event first started in locations like Cianwood, and Trainer's valley, I tried the backyard location when it released on 2/22. I have encountered 4 shinies in this map alone, and 15 or so other event pokes, and even a few times findind a normal shuckle right after a vday encounter or right before....This map has been literally completely demoralizing for hunting the rare event form. I have tried to hunt him in every location and the only reason I stuck with the backyard for so long was because it actually had a more steady shuckle spawn rate than everywhere else I tried. Every time a shuckle appears in my screen now its just dissapointment, followed by other completely worthless event form common spawns with bad stats and abilities. Whoever thought itd be a good idea to add Eevee to this area was wrong, Not only is bold barely useable on eevee (vaporeon maybe umbreon) but without another rare mon with an event form, this backyard area is just completely horrible compared to the frontyard. If eevee was any other rare spawn with a valentines form It might have resulted in any rare spawn in special valentines form. Instead i have a box of trash eevees, and shuckles. Chingling is also one of the most underused and completely useless spawns does not need to be here. It doesnt have an event form and is not used in pvp at all like Alakazam is, which I assume is an attempt at a front/backyard equality gone terribly wrong. This map is horrible for hunting anything. Absolutely none of the pokemon in the photo I attached are useable or worth anything other than measly Pve coins at collector joro. Anything would have been better than the shinies I recieved (yes even chingling), and statistically I would have had much better results had I spent my time hunting in the frontyard as other players have encountered multiple valentines snivy or alolan vulpix since they both can spawn in special forms in the same area. I already know the response is going to be its all luck and that ive had some good luck in this event but had these 4 shinies been anything else that spawned in this area I most likely wouldnt be complaining. Anything would have been more rewarding for the weeks of time Ive spent on this game hunting 1 pokemon that I wanted. People have told be just to buy a shuckle off someone but with the insane rarity of this specific vday mon the only ones Ive seen sell for multiple millions and I have only gained a measly 100 pve coins to try to make money off the last few weeks of grinding this pokemon/area. If I could turn in all these mons for the worst event shuckle ever I would. These are all pointless worthless spawns that have taunted me the last 2 weeks. Had the game shed any kind of light on me like a rare shiny or rare event mon I wouldnt be here and In wouldnt be complaining. I regret spending my time and money on this game as its done nothing but dissapoint me for my efforts. I'm sure the others are right that whoever reads this will just tell me some bullshit that I should keep trying or that its all luck based. Im done with this game and trying to enjoy it when all its been is a waste of my time and another dissapointment around every corner.
I did not like the fact that the reshiram dungeon for the light stone took 5 people, as returning player who hadnt played in about 2 years. Had I still been in an active guild this might have been easier but I come to find out later it was RNG based light stone drop which was dissapointing. Trying to do the dungeon with randoms was difficult because most of the time I was the only one aware of how to do some of the steps/what to do just by watching a video. It felt like the randoms groups to play had little awareness of what to bring/what to do and their team comp choices reflected that. After 1 sucessful run that didnt end in light stone for anyone with what was 4 members of guild I wasnt in, and multiple attempts with bad randoms I had enough and took my zekrom which ended up being worthless after sync failing and horrible ivs. I wanted Reshiram the most but in the end I left with what felt like a waste of time. I know this is just my experience and Im sure others had better experiences, but I wanted to at least put in my opinion The Holiday pokemon spawned frequently on common pokes but trying to find even an uncommon spawn in holiday form and even worse rare spawns. I would hunt for hours not seeing a single poke that claimed to be in the area because its a rare spawn and when I did it was not special form and I was lucky to get any rare spawns in a days worth of hunting
Hi I am selling all of my shiny Pokemon. Some have amazing Iv's or a specifically good hidden power.(both slowpoke Hp psychic) I wanted to at one point make a full shiny gen 1 team and started buying what I thought might be viable. Some of these Pokemon even pre-date Sinnoh in this game since I've been away for so long. Looking for some money in the game to start again thanks for looking, Feel free to offer me however I would prefer to sell them all to one buyer. 1.25m or best offer gets everything here, again, Id really like to move the whole lot at once. [spoiler=Each poke here]
Boss revamp discussion: Need your opinion
Notmywallet replied to Leitah's topic in General Game Talk
Requirements As someone Who just recently finished their boss teams and have just begun the fights, It took a decent amount of time just completing hoenn and few of the bosses I cant battle still after having almost 500 hours. I think if anything Requirements would need to be reduced, But maybe something similar to Jesse James or Erika where there are restrictions for your team when battling Difficulty Some bosses are Fun to fight and some are Cut and dry, and others Just down right annoying. Dont change. Good mixture of strengths Cooldown I havent done sinnoh so I dont know how bad the cooldown chase can be with all of the bosses, but I find it hard keeping up with howmany bosses and usually juggle which rewards im seeking the most. If more bosses are planned in the future I think cooldowns can stay the same. If rewards are getting better then maybe they could possibly be longer, but I dont forsee their being better rewards. I would love to see some Exclusive mons added to boss rewards. Sort of like how Pawniard was when Pumpkin king had him as a reward only (This was a long time ago) . Maybe some newer gens in Boss rewards? -
H.A. Calm Foongus 28 def 30 sp def 26 hp 21 spatk
Notmywallet replied to Notmywallet's topic in Selling Pokémon - Silver
My apologies to anyone just now viewing the post, Took a lowered insta for foongus. Thread is now over. -
Imrig helped me with an appraisal in game so this is closed thanks
https://imgur.com/a/RHeA1 Would love to know what its worth, I think i spent 60k ish on the slowpoke way back when
Wreck's Shop - Comp 100s, Shinies, and More
Notmywallet replied to Wreck's topic in Pokémon Shops - Silver
Price for forretress? -
Was running in viridian headbutting and what not, and I ran into a trainer that !'d and then a butterfree at the same time caught me, The trainer fight didnt happen and she moved to the other side where I was standing, and I ported back to where butterfree stopped me. The trainer was then out of position from always encountering to avoidable which was kind of funny.