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Everything posted by Dreamreaper

  1. wtb cottonee you have for 120k
  2. Huge help thanks you a lot for your patience, my bad, i had already started the quest and didn't read the part where i was supposed to find the hidden key. completed the quest
  3. Thanks for the reply, i have already done the subway for Kanto and Johto, However i'm not able to reach the computer because like i said all barriers are on and i don't seem to be able to start the quest either because Wattson is not in New Mauville. Can it be that Wattson or any other character is stuck in some other quest?
  4. He did hoopa dungeon in less than an hour, good job
  5. I'm trying to do the Hoenn transport quest and i've read that i just have to talk to an officer inside of any pokecenter in Hoenn and then go to New Mauville but when i do he's nowhere to be seen...I'm already Hoenn champion and i did go inside New Mauville regardless to see if i had already done some part of the quest in the past but it doesn't seem that way, i only found one aqua grunt and all paths closed with electricity but other than that nothing. Before going inside i found Wattson outside of New Mauville regarding a different quest in relation with Captain Phantom and thought that if i did that quest i can start the transportation quest but it didn't and i don't know what i have to do.
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