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Envymeister last won the day on June 9 2022

Envymeister had the most liked content!


About Envymeister

  • Birthday 09/03/1997

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3320 profile views

Envymeister's Achievements

Experienced Trainer

Experienced Trainer (6/12)



  1. Love all the artists that made these awesome mounts and cosmetics! Insane new update!!!
  2. 2.3m from envyhidan acount
  3. bump...
  4. Sorry let me know when u around
  5. Hello, I haven't got my Top15% reward from Summer Tournament. I had requested Keita, but sadly, since he has left staff, I don't know who will be in charge of giving these rewards, ence why I am making this forum post. Kind Regards, ~~eNvy~~
  6. start starmie and cloyster
  7. '+50k' isn't a valid bid
  8. 2.5m cloyster, envymeister gold, will transfer
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