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Everything posted by Bajiruu

  1. Re: Epic Florges Calm/Goodra Bold <r>I buy your Goodra insta!! <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  2. Re: Blazings PvP Shop (updated 1/1 h.a. ninetales, dusknoir + more prices added) <r>I buy your breloom insta!! <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  3. Hey everyone i want to buy good Porygon with download ability! Add me in game Bajiruu :thanks:
  4. 2.5m for excadrill :Cool: IGN Bajiruu
  5. Re: WTS epic ada h.a Talonflame(image fix) <r>4.1 <E>:Crazy:</E></r>
  6. Re: WTS epic ada h.a Talonflame(image fix) <r>3.9 <E>:Angel:</E></r>
  7. 3.9 :Cool: :Exclam:
  8. [glow=red]Leave your offers below the action will end in 3 days![/glow] [glow=red]s.o 900k instand 3m[/glow] :thanks: :Exclam:
  9. Do you even read MY RULES?
  10. [glow=red]Leave your offer and your name in game and i will add you if i feel the price is good thanks[/glow]
  11. Re: Welcome to my shop(lvl100 pokemons for pvp) <r><QUOTE author="PKJeff"><s> </e></QUOTE> I say i will think of your offer and i pm me you when i feel the price is good but you sir keep ask for the starmie every day!<br/> What you expected to say to you?!!!</r>
  12. [glow=red]I want to buy chansey bold -->Ability:Natural Cure --> ivs def spdef hp over 20+[/glow] [glow=red]Add me in game(Bajiruu)[/glow]
  13. Re: Welcome to my shop(lvl100 pokemons for pvp) <t>bump!</t>
  14. Re: Welcome to my shop(lvl100 pokemons for pvp) <r><QUOTE author="Icrz11"><s> </e></QUOTE> I accept ms....<br/> i dont sell</r>
  15. Re: Welcome to my shop(lvl100 pokemons for pvp) <t>bump!</t>
  16. [glow=red]Hi guys and welcome to my personal shop :Cool:[/glow] [glow=red]I hope u will find here what u looking for :Exclam:[/glow] [glow=red]You can send me your offer with message or you can add me in game (Bajiruu)[/glow] Rules c.o 950k s.o 400k s.o 400k s.o 500k s.o 700k s.o 250k
  17. bump :Exclam:
  18. 400k :thanks: :Cool:
  19. s.o 200k :Cool: :thanks: {Sold} :thanks:
  20. Re: RIGSHOP (MANY NEW POKEMONS) <r>500k milotic <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  21. Re: Karthus' Shop (Update: 20/8) timid staryu <r>100k sneasel <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  22. Re: Seracoold's Shop (Updated 21/8 many poke updated) <r>250k for Amaura <E>:Cool:</E></r>
  23. Add me in game and saw me the poke pls!! (Bajiruu) :thanks:
  24. wtb epic scizor for pvp i pay very well... :thanks: :Cool:
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