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Everything posted by Youraxx27

  1. kek! thanks mate. this video was made in 2015.. so old so i know that some part you might ddnt get. btw thanks again :y: its a pleasure to make someones laugh
  2. Happy birthday kyle and thanks (y)
  3. Dear PRO Staff, I'm back! Oh never mind, only "some" of old staff might remember me but it doesn't matter anyway. Since I play this game again this half of November, I got sooo many friends now, I have a guild, a friends in Pilipinas channel, some friends in All chat, also I enjoy this Xmas Event this year (2017). I'm so glad that I play again and meet the new staffs and got so many friends that I can rely on. This is my best year on PRO even though I just play one and a half months but I was really glad to come back! I'm looking forward this 2018 that this game will be more awesome and enjoyable to play! Thank you very much for those staff that help this community and this game. I really Thank You from the bottom of my heart <3 By the way, here is my Christmas Tree, honestly this is not mine, this is from my grandmother because we don't have Christmas Tree in our house. BUT we have some Christmas Decorations :v I want to be in this picture and post here but I feel embarrassed to show my face in community xD Anyway! Happy Holiday! Welcome 2018! MORE LOVE PRO! I LOVE THIS GAME! Merry Christmas <3 <i></i>
  4. way back 2015... ahhh nostalgic and fresh memories :(
  5. how much budget can u go?
  6. MEMBER CATEGORY Smartest: Iruka Friendliest: Bluesilver238 Funniest: Metalona Coolest: Pokemonmaster07 Comeback Player of the Year: Jamirakway Most Talkative: Bossman123 Most Trustworthy: Polytron Most Helpful: Gongon Most Missed: Somes Most Influential: Justyuno Most Intriguing: Kylehilary STAFF CATEGORY Best GM: Suhuzen Best CC: Shary Best MOD: Alaris Best CS: Naero Best Artist: SirmeoWington Best Mapper: Druz Most Professional Staff: Suhuzen Most Friendly Staff: Noisa Most Dedicated Staff: Druz Most Honorable Former Staff: Spectify
  7. if they reduce the coin cost (currently: 80,000) i feel sorry for those who throw their money just to check it out. NTM i spend 2.4m too just to check the possible shiny and WOAH! Nani kore?! hoping for change.. if no change happens.. its fine either
  8. Normal NPCs: NPC Name: Mitsuha Dialogue: Hey you! Yes you! Do you believe in Santa? Well me I dont.. Since I was young I always expecting that "Santa" is going to give me some gift during xmas eve but now im old enough to believe in such non-sense fairy tail like him. Player Option 1.Me too! Option 2. Santa exist in our heart. Mitsuha: Really? Prove it! At least show me a "Strong" Bergmite as a proof so I will believe that it our exist in our heart! Why Bergmite you say? Well that pokemon is my favorite but I dont have one.. At least show me one strong Bergmite then I will let you pass. Special Request (If any): Show a Snover Dialogue: <If iv is total of 120>: Mitsuha: Oh! ITS REAL! Well then you have a guts! I will let you pass to this dark cave but be careful ok? There is a weird noise there and it so creepy so good luck! <else> Mitsuha: So weak! Show me a strong one! Battle NPCs: NPC Name: Antonio Starting Dialogue: Ho! Ho! OH! *Cough* *Cough* This is bad I have a fever.. Oh! Hello there! Can you do me a favor? Lets battle so I feel warm on and my fever go down.. Its hard to stay here inside of the dark and cold cave you know! (Who put me here anyway) Losing Dialogue: Oh! *Cough* *Cough*.. well sorry I just choke.. At least that battle warmed me a bit at I feel sweaty now! Thank you! Take this as a reward: "Random Starter Pokemon" Well then come back after 3 Days youngman! Ho! Ho! *Cough* *Cough* On Cooldown Dialogue: 3 Days Team: Fairy and Ice Team Special Request (If any): No Poison and Steel pokemon on your team. <if has> Dialogue: Oh! Stay away Poison / Steel type Pokemon! I have a trauma!
  9. one piece anohana clannad / clannad after story golden time your lies in april erased sakurasou no pet etc. i cant remember the others
  10. is there any option to change black background to white? i knew there are one before but i cant find it... and no one answering my question ingame also im afraid pm-ming some gm/staff but thanks for answer in advance if there is or not.
  11. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] September <t>sorry guys for the outdate... anyone can share changes? im really sorry</t>
  12. Re: torchic addy speed boost 30 attack 29 speed! <t>how about let me start 500k?<br/> go for it or wait for more?<br/> can i ask insta?</t>
  13. whats new in PRO.. my last login i guess is july 2016 :Sleeping: :Shocked: is some of my friends still playing?
  14. :Heart: :Heart: merry xmas pro
  15. Thanks guys... lets catch em! xmas pokemons :Heart: :boot:
  16. Hi guys.. im back! (should i really need to post here in player intro?) I just checking out the news and change in the game and some blessings (i guess) Server: Yellow / Red
  17. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] September <r>finally i updated the guide based on your post guys... only thing i ddnt update is the font thing...<br/> btw tell me if somethings wrong in my guide so ill edit immediately <E>:Heart:</E> <br/> thanks guys <E>:Heart:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  18. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] <r><QUOTE author="NamelessHero27"><s> </e></QUOTE> ill try to load the image again later... i cant load it sir but ty btw ill update it</r>
  19. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] <t>Guyss im sorry im not been online for a weeks, after cleaning my personal problems and fix my net connection and my desktop ill promise to update this guide and also some give away i think</t>
  20. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] <t>im back guys.. anything new?</t>
  21. Re: madstore <t>500k boldy</t>
  22. Re: selling a lvl 25 Beldum (Hoenn), adamant nature and epic iv's <r><QUOTE author="abakvs3"><s> </e></QUOTE> dont do harassment in trade sir <E>:y:</E></r>
  23. Re: Doctor Pokemon Quest [uPDATED] <r>UPDATED the changes <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E> <E>:y:</E></r>
  24. also need 1 lvl 80+ sweeper :y:
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