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Everything posted by Jobpajob

  1. play it for fun and no thinking u will win xD . in tournament i played with a lot of stressed so i drop out very fast. but if play with calm down and for fun u will get a good result and good record :Shy:
  2. I am in GmT+7 :Angel:
  3. Ok can now ?? I will try to log in see u at saffron
  4. Ok see u tonight i wil buy it insta price sir i think it resonbale for u and me so. My ign : jobpajob i will pm u when i am online may b tonight xD . Gmt+7
  5. 12:14 pm +3:30 hr = 3:44 in fact i already win it with 560 k :(
  6. I think it already end and i get it in time.So u neeed to sell to me cause in the time u tell i already win with 560 k
  7. wht next if my opponent never online when i am online ? free win ??? i vs jokerblanco :Angry:
  8. 600k :Grin: end ?
  9. 550k mate
  10. 320k jobpajob
  11. 300k sir :Grin:
  12. i have problem . i selll my poke to the one person that in battle tournament too .So he register my old poke but i forgot to send the new one. same poke same ability. . can i send to registration it ?. So the reason that why i not send new one to you. cause i am medical student in thailand. and yesterday i am on duty and have emergency Case So i not have time to save picture and send it to u. :Shocked:
  13. Re: NEW CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting!! <r>bump <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  14. Re: NEW CHRONOS [international Guild] Recruiting!! <r>gogo bumpppp <E>:Grin:</E></r>
  15. no top 15 player play pvp in ladder now . Cause in fact i stay at number 5 position. but it nothing to do i play in ladder so drop out and i try back it is very hard now cause i against many 0 rating player lol. need reset go go :Shy:
  16. Re: Zeloups showcase: Pvp and good pokes for sale <t>Wowww u know me.sry i not see u post starter price i go wth 500k that gallade</t>
  17. I am not online sir but i will focus on forum
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