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About Shinypichu88

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  1. In mac os, command+F is full screen (remark, the game will not save is setting, you need to set it in option for long term) /All <msg> will post a msg to all channel, but other channel such as /Trade, /Battle, /Local .... is not work or not work for send msg purpose
  2. I try /player, it show "tells you when you joined + your play time" too, as like as /playtime so I try /play....yes, it show "tells you when you joined + your play time"...this should be the correct command for this query
  3. random try....find another command... /battle <username>
  4. I saw other people post a screencap with coordination, so I try to find out how...lucky, I find it:) /loc - System Location, show the x, y coordination and map name
  5. In Route 13, the NPC (right in front of berry tower) will block the road to berry tower [highlight=red]after battle[/highlight] this situation need to logout and login to solve, thus I will consider this is a bug rather than normal
  6. The feature is too simple to the Pokemon Store It is too difficult for people to manage once the number of Pokemon become large... :confused: suggest to provide more management function : sorting/searching/filtering...so on Actually, Backpack should have more management function although it already classify the item type, finding a suitable medicine still not a easy tasks in this game. :Ambivalent:
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