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About Solonwise

  • Birthday 05/08/1985

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  1. I'm with the same problem. I did move a taillow from the pc to my party, and the client freeze for less than a sec when i was doing that. After this, the taillow image won't disappear, no matter what. What should I do?
  2. It may be a stupid question, but did you put the beldum to sleep first?
  3. Maybe it is a bad idea, but still, the trade system seems to be cruel to new players as they can only sell really epic pokemons, since a lot of players already have a almost perfect team. Im new on this game, least than a month playing, but I can tell its one of the best MMOs I've already played.
  4. So I was thinking... When a player catch/buy/trade and acquire an epic pokemon, lets say, 28+ in all IVs, he will ev train it and up it to level 100 to use it in pvp. Good, but if the same player acquire another pokemon of the same specie, but with even better IVs or nature, he will most likely sell or trade the first one, so now, another player will have the epic pokémon with 28+ in all IVs. This can happen again, and again, and in the long term, I think this system will cause to a lot of players to have almost perfect pokémons, and I don't think it is a good thing, specially for the new players who will find harder to sell his almost epic pokémons to players who actually have money. So maybe it's intersting to think in a way to prevent it, and a idea is to limit a pokemon trade in a certain quantity. Like, a pokemon can only be traded X number of times, and after this, it will be bound to the trainer. It's just an idea.
  5. Hire her. Problem solved.
  6. I was fishing in the town of Vermilion for a long time, and one of the battles started without the battle music. Instead, the city music continued to play.
  7. I was battling a wil meouth near Vermilion and in the first turn, it attack me with fake out. My pokemon flinched, and thats ok. In the second turn the meowth used fake out again and the attack, of course, failed, but the message "critical hit" appeared. It hit me with a critical hit, but at the same time, it failed.
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