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Everything posted by Avivi1234

  1. his infernape with life orb outspeed my swellow and my scrap alolan golem i mean, wtf?
  2. still cant win you made it too hard without ha its impposible
  3. you can close it
  4. hello im a returnning player where is my acc omg i understood that the servers got merged and all i could to do is gold login and its probably acc that i had at the blue server
  5. UP UP UP
  6. accidently while the many talks i press alot and accidently chose a starter i dont want to please help me if i can restart sinnoh or something .. i picked piplup while i wanted chimchar
  7. Event:PVP/Hunt ingamename: avivi1234 guild: Reborn
  8. Re: ♦ Multiserver Coin/Coin items Giveaway (Red/Blue/Yellow) ♦ <t>Red server<br/> my name is avivi1234<br/> GL :P</t>
  9. can u add Moonblast TM to the stores or like u did in the event map (focus blast,enegry ball, etc..)
  10. username: avivi1234 country: Israel and why i think i deserve it? Because i love pokemon so much since i was a little kid +i want to play all the pokes game after black and white 2 .. those with 3ds emu because the first time i saw it and even today im so excited to play it but i cant :( cause no money and my parents not give me a single coin.. hope i would win i will be the happiest kid in the world .
  11. Want to start a Auction about this shiny pikachu C.O 1m by Pulse no insta price right now.. ill add 1 when i feel i should add i have every right to refuse to the last offer if i dont like it time until the auction is end: 24 hours since the post's time
  12. what is his price? ..
  13. why nobody is answering ? lol
  14. Re: Reborn [international Guild][Recruiting][Red Server] <t>former member of reborn.. can i join back ?</t>
  15. there is a bounty on the pokemons from the event ??
  16. close pls
  17. ok ty
  18. is kangaskhan findable? i mean wtf i was in the safari like 6 times and still no kang wtf his find rate pls make it higher cause rarer pokes more than kang is even have more find rate
  19. my username name is: avivi1234 im from israel and why i think i deserve it? Because i love pokemon so much since i was a little kid +i want to play all the pokes game after black and white 2 .. those with 3ds emu because the first time i saw it and even today im so excited to play it but i cant :( cause no money and my parents not give me a single coin.. hope i would win i will be the happiest kid in the world .
  20. my first question is is there gonna be mega evo soon? .. + what the best place to train my pokes i didnt play for a long time
  21. steam games
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