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  1. 1) I've played this game for years off and on. With more people to socialize with I could definitely see myself playing more consistently, which is why I'm just now looking to apply to guilds after all this time. 2) I'm wanting to get better at PvE and PvP because at the moment I'm pretty bad and would like to learn from someone who isn't. I'm also willing to offer any help that I can, if there even is anything I can do. 3) I'm always on discord (potatozyra) 4) For the past week or so I've been online for hours at a time every day.
  2. My name is Bre, IGN: iheartmiw I'm 29, from the US Discord: potatozyra (I'm always on) Honestly, I'm not sure how much I can contribute, but I'm willing to help wherever I can, like daycare services maybe. I'm no good at PvP, but I am interested and would like to learn from someone who knows what they are doing. This is my first time applying to join a guild so this is all pretty new to me despite me playing this game for years.
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