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  1. Even though I've used humor as a red line I still believe this guide to be accurate. The trade chat (all public chats to be honest) are a hellhole without proper guidelines. People just do whatever they please and at least half of what you read is not true. This guide has come to be out of frustration but if it convinces at least one person to behave decently in the future I've done my job. its accurate and i know epic doesnt mean 'epic' in trade chat, but this is a guide, instead you pin point the bad side, you should guide them, giving hints. so sarcasm is unneeded, well, not 50% of it.... instead guiding the reader to 'hate' due 'our' frustration, guide them to understand the meanings so they might correcting their own mistakes. so I d suggest you add details on those sarcasm parts, like whats 'epic' range or 'good' range, like whats not suppose to do in trade chat (this is the place u can out your frustration), someone also add info like posts above, later u need to sort the guide so ppl can read it more comfortable. i know you re not serious making this guide, due the frustration it is. but this could be important guide in the future, i d like to see its complete. Fair enough. I will sit down and redo it properly this week. Thanks for the feedback!
  2. This is super confusing but I'm kinda curious now. Anyone know what this could mean? Maybe it leads to hidden treasure if we manage to decipher it. :3
  3. I assume they're getting part 2 up as we speak. Be patient fellow trainers, soon we will roam the fields of competitive pet battling once more!
  4. I prefer the entrance of Mt. Moon to Viridian Forest when it comes to def. It can be frustrating to encounter 27 caterpies in a row who are all faster than you because of your macho brace without finding a single metapod or kakuna. In Mt. Moon you have both the geodudes and the sandshrews and even though they only give 2 points each with brace it feels a lot faster than the forest. The pc being right next to the entrance is an added bonus. Just make sure to leave paras and zubat alone and if you need hp you can kill the ocassional clefairy. If you mainly want to train hp anyway stick to the forest and pick up the metapods and kakunas whenever they appear, if you don't need any or as much hp go to Mt. Moon to rush def.
  5. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!!added snorlax and chandelure <t>80k Eevee1</t>
  6. Even though I've used humor as a red line I still believe this guide to be accurate. The trade chat (all public chats to be honest) are a hellhole without proper guidelines. People just do whatever they please and at least half of what you read is not true. This guide has come to be out of frustration but if it convinces at least one person to behave decently in the future I've done my job.
  7. Re: Dae's Shop- 30 30 spd spatk Jolteon!!added snorlax and chandelure <t>60k for Eevee1</t>
  8. Whoops. Edit. Might've made more mistakes, thanks for correcting me on that one anyway.
  9. I have noticed that the meaning of some of the abbreviations and words used in trade chat are unclear to some players so l have decided to create a short list. (DISCLAIMER: THIS GUIDE CONSISTS AT LEAST 50% OUT OF SARCASM, YE BE WARNED.) Here goes wtb - want to buy wts - want to sell bo - best offer > the price mentioned is the last offer by the highest bidder, the seller could be artificially increasing prices if no names of other bidders are given bo + [name of player] - a best offer that's probably reliable > someone has actually offered on [pokeX] lfm - looking for more [pokeX] offer - the seller wants people to pm with a price > asking for a price is considered bad etiquette and will get you ignored most of the time compro - a word meaning "buy" used by people who don't understand all main chat rooms are supposed to be English only [pokeX] 2k pm quick!!! - your poke is bad and nobody wants it [pokeXshiny] fully trained in [wrong ev] pm quick!!! - your poke is bad and nobody wants it pm quick!!! - let's be honest here, you've been trying to sell it for the past week > your poke is bad and nobody wants it instantly closing a chat window on a low offer - you don't understand how haggling works incorporating the word "noob" in your trade request - you're a noob cheap! - not cheap epic! - not epic super epic! - definitely not epic perfect iv's!!! - wrong nature [pokeX] [perfect nature for that poke]!!! - terrible iv's Additions by Somes: instant 100k - this pokemon will be instantly sold for that price bo 20k 5 min - best offer is 20k and time remaining on the auction is 5 minutes nfs - not for sale > use battle or all chat if you just want to show off jhoto only - the pokemon is caught in jhoto and can't be traded to a player that hasn't finished kanto and elite4 kanto yet kanto only - the pokemon is caught in kanto and can't be traded to a player that hasn't finished jhoto and elite4 jhoto yet I hope this helps some folks out there make better use of the chat, thanks for reading!
  10. "...absolutely fucking not. But we were making more money than we knew what to do with."
  11. Cyllis

    Pc system

    At the very least give it a search bar. When you start racking up pokes it gets extremely tedious to shift through everything you have. I'm at 10 pages now, can't imagine how bad it'll be when I have 20 or more.. :3
  12. Does someone at least have advice on when the server seems stable in general? I need 10-15 uninterrupted minutes.
  13. The annoying thing is just having to wait another full day even though your entire team is lvl 80+ and having already wasted like 20k on consumables the first time round.
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