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Everything posted by Blitzkrieg

  1. Take care of yourself nahyun! You will be missed and thank you for the kind words
  2. Akalli bbe! Give me money!!
  3. Would be interested in buying, PM
  4. Looking to sell my Rotom wash. This will be auction based I reserve to right to cancel the auction if i want The duration be 3 days or 72 from starting bid Bids must increase by 100k at least from previous bid Starting Offer: 800k Insta: 2.5m
  5. Looking for epic monkey as stated above ^^ :D Plz link with pic and asking price
  6. What is your Discord tag? Blitzkrieg#9960 How often do you use Discord? Daily If you could improve PRO's Discord with one suggestion, what would it be? I think its fine in its current state
  7. [mention]Meiji[/mention] Sent you a PM here on forums :)
  8. [mention]Lexie13[/mention] im sending you the link in PMs on here :)
  9. Hey check your PMs ^^^ :D
  10. Re: Sell Epic Hydreigon And Ferrothorn <t>2m start of Hydreigon plz :D</t>
  11. Auction over :D Sold to Revo
  12. Will continue this auction one more day to give you plenty of time to reply
  13. [mention]Nteamplasma[/mention] Not sold yet, but im ending it before the night is over for me
  14. Selling shiny a houndour! The auction will last for 2 weeks. Rules: I only accept pokedollars. If I do not like the offer, I reserve the right to decline and not trade it. Start: 3 mil C.o:
  15. Akalli I wish miss you!! You were always a friend of mine. Wish you good luck in your future Hope I win :)
  16. Phime im gona miss you a ton <3 Its been great having you in chaos too!! Hope everything goes well in your future. also :Cool: My favorite pokemon is Infernape / To further our guild with the pokemon and maybe collect some more with the money lol (Xmas litwick) / my own personal wish is to be a different/better person by then, been taking the step and going through alot of changes for the better i think
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