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Everything posted by Derekvu261994

  1. Re: Hannibal Chau's Kaiju Black Market <t>60k staryu. when is the auction close? xD i want it so bad</t>
  2. gyarados2 300k
  3. i want to buy shadowball. offer here pls
  4. yesterday i stuck there too and i have to used escape rope good luck xD
  5. I want to join Rare hunters. Cant w8 to be accepted :'(
  6. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <r><QUOTE author="SuHu"><s> </e></QUOTE> Xat.com/pro_blaze is where you chat with guild members and get to know each other.<br/> Stop by xat and if you're active there, you'll get accepted<e> </e></QUOTE> Can u explain what is " name this power " in Xat register at Xat?</r>
  7. Re: ♦ Inferno BlaZe ♦ We Are One! <t>Can i join :3<br/> <br/> My nick name in PRO is Derekvu261994<br/> My favor Poke is pikachu cos my gf said i look like a pikachu<br/> I want to be the best trainer haha<br/> I want to join guild cos i want to have more fr to play with. play alone is a bit boring<br/> And can anyone explain what is Xat? im newbie xD</t>
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